Simple page objects for Capybara
How to install
gem install tooth
or with bundler add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'tooth'
You can create page objects and page components using simple DSL. These page objects will incapsulate all selectors and remove duplication from you tests:
class NavigationComponent
extend PageObject # inject page object 'role' for component
element :logo, '.logo'
class HomePage
extend PageObject
# simple_divs
element :headline, 'div#some-id'
element :some_div_lambda, ->(id){ "div#some-#{id}" }
element :not_existing, '#not-existing-element'
elements :all_divs, 'div'
# components_divs
within 'div#component1-id' do
element :inside_div, '.second-lvl'
element :inside_div_lambda, ->(lvl){".second-#{lvl}"}
# components_divs
component :component1, NavigationComponent, 'div#component1-id'
component :component1_lambda, NavigationComponent, ->(id){ "div#component1-#{id}" }
# components2_divs
within '#scope-two' do
component :component2, NavigationComponent, 'div#component1-id'
Then inside tests you can use these objects (methods return Capybara elements):
expect(HomePage.headline.text).to eq 'Headline text'