forge script script/Interop.s.sol:InteropE2ETx --rpc-url http://localhost:8011 --private-key 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e --zksync --skip-simulation --enable-eravm-extensions --broadcast
[x] - Type A (InteropMessage)
[x] - Type B messaging
[x] - Type C messaging
[] - authorization verification in AA
[] - Example 'bridge' with assets movement
[x] - split script into 2 parts and run with 2 era test nodes.
[x] - add 'watch' option to the cli script
[] - add nullifiers
[] - Add some paymaster
[] - cli is transferring '1 ether' to aliased accounts, as we don't have bridges yet
[] - cli is creating the aliased account when needed.
[] - no verification in the aliased accounts
forge script script/Interop.s.sol:InteropE2E --rpc-url http://localhost:8011 --private-key 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e --zksync --skip-simulation --broadcast
Please use era-test-node from branch.
for alloy-zksync: the latest from
Start 2 era test nodes and deploy the interop center to both.
cargo run --release -- --port 8012 --chain-id 500
cargo run --release -- --port 8013 --chain-id 501
# deploy all the stuff - please check the InteropCenter deploy address afterwards (should be same on both)
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url http://localhost:8012 --private-key 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e --zksync --skip-simulation --enable-eravm-extensions --broadcast && forge script script/Deploy.s.sol:Deploy --rpc-url http://localhost:8013 --private-key 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e --zksync --skip-simulation --enable-eravm-extensions --broadcast
(on both chains)
Deployed InteropCenter at: 0xTHIS_IS_INTEROP_ADDRESS
Run the CLI with the same private key, it will handle the message passing and transaction creation.
cargo run -- -r http://localhost:8012 0xTHIS_IS_INTEROP_ADDRESS -r http://localhost:8013 0xTHIS_IS_INTEROP_ADDRESS --private-key 0x3d3cbc973389cb26f657686445bcc75662b415b656078503592ac8c1abb8810e
Creating 'type A' message:
cast send -r http://localhost:8012 0xTHIS_IS_INTEROP_ADDRESS "sendInteropMessage(bytes)" 0x12 --private-key 0x509ca2e9e6acf0ba086477910950125e698d4ea70fa6f63e000c5a22bda9361c
Creating 'type C' interop transaction (that would send over 100 value to empty address):
cast send -r http://localhost:8012 0xTHIS_IS_INTEROP_ADDRESS "requestInteropMinimal(uint256, address, bytes, uint256, uint256, uint256)" 501 0x8B912Dfa4Db5f44FB5B6c8A2BA8925f01DA322EE 0x 100 10000000 1000000000 --private-key 0x7becc4a46e0c3b512d380ca73a4c868f790d1055a7698f38fb3ca2b2ac97efbb
then you can check (on the 8013 - so other chain)
cast balance -r http://localhost:8013 0x8B912Dfa4Db5f44FB5B6c8A2BA8925f01DA322EE
and it should show 100.
Added basic paymaster - that accepts everything for now.
Checked that alloy-zksync is supporting it (needed some small changes).
Changed the deploy script to deploy the paymaster and paymaster tokens.
rust code is fetching paymaster address from interop now.
paymaster sees the paymaster tokens (but don't use them yet.)
rust now refills the paymaster (not Aliased accounts anymore)
Next steps:
- rust to 'share' the paymaster addresses - so that they can be 'encoded' directly on sending into the transactions
- paymaster to actually take the token (1 for now).
- add nullifiers (at the end)