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(Unofficial) Cluster Management for Neo4j with NodeJS

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πŸ—’ Description

This is a unofficial NodeJS CLI for managing Neo4j Cluster with Docker. Behind the curtains Dockerode is used to orchestrate all the necessary operations.

If you want to know more about Neo4j Clusters, please check here.

Boltnet is not intended for production usage, rather than for automated testing πŸ€–

πŸš€ Installing

To install this as a global package use the below command

npm install -g boltnet
# Yarn
yarn global add boltnet

πŸ”¨ Usage

The best way to start using boltnet is to execute boltnet --help.

Usage: boltnet [options]

      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
      --prune                                         [boolean] [default: false]
  -x, --remove         Removes all boltnet created container           [boolean]
  -c, --cluster        Creates a neo4j cluster with a default of 3 Core members
                                                           [number] [default: 3]
  -r, --read-replica   Sets read replicas to the initial cluster
                                                           [number] [default: 0]
  -u, --user-name      Set username for the authentication
                                                     [string] [default: "neo4j"]
  -p, --user-password  Set password for the authentication
                                               [string] [default: "newpassword"]
  -i, --image                               [string] [default: "4.3-enterprise"]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

Main functionalities include:

Create Cluster

# Create a cluster with default settings
# 3 Core members, 0 Read replicas, Username/Password: neo4j/newpassword , Neo4j Image: 4.3-enterprise
boltnet -c

# Create a cluster with custom settings
# 4 Core members, 2 Read replicas, Username/Password: random/randompass , Neo4j Image: 4.0.1-enterprise
boltnet -c 4 -r 2 -u random -p randompass -i 4.0.1-enterprise

Create Single Instance

# Create a single instance with default settings
# Username/Password: neo4j/newpassword , Neo4j Image: 4.3-enterprise
boltnet -s

# Create a single instance with custom settings
# 4Username/Password: random/randompass , Neo4j Image: 4.0.1-enterprise
boltnet -s -u random -p randompass -i 4.0.1-enterprise

Prune Networks

Every time a cluster is created, there is also a bridge network created for the cluster members to communicate with each other.

You can prune unused networks:

boltnet --prune

Detete Boltnet Containers

To delete all running/created boltnet containers run:

boltnet --x

πŸ“£ Feedback

If you have any suggestions or want a more advanced feature on boltnet, feel free to open an issue.