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E-commerce Warranty Card NFT System

Project Introduction

Many products come with Warranty Cards. Currently Warranty is determined by some physical Warranty Cards which posses several issues: -

  • Warranty Document can be easily falsified
  • A bad acting seller could create duplicate warranty cards or warranty Cards of expired products.
  • Product Ownership and authenticity cannot be proven through physical warranty Cards.

This project tokenized the Warranty Cards in Blockchain world which eradicates the above problems. Features of the Project :-

  • Warranty Cards are converted to Decaying NFTs.
  • It proves authenticity and ownership of product.
  • It eradicates the possibility of false or duplicate Warranty Cards.
  • Warranty Card decays after the warranty period is over.
  • Warranty Cards can be transaferred on resale of the product.

The Project consists of 3 Elements:

  1. ERC721 Solidity Contract for Warranty Card
  2. GUI to interact with Contract
  3. Node Server for minting API and Burn Bot

Libraries and Open Source projects used

  • openzeppelin ERC21 for ERC721 standard contract
  • openzeppelin ERC721URIStrorage for tokenURI storage of Warranty Card
  • openzeppelin E721Enumerable for Enumerability of Warranty Card.
  • openzeppelin ERC721Burnable for burnable compatible Warranty Card.
  • openzeppelin Ownable for Ownable Warranty Cards.
  • openzeppelin Counters for genrating token ids for Minting Warranty Cards.
  • openzeppelin AccessControl for Roles in contract.
  • ethers.js for interacting with contract thorough javascript.
  • react.js for UI
  • Hardhat for devlopment and deployment of contract.
  • Node.js and Express.js for Node server for catering minting API and Burn Bot.

ERC721 Solidity Contract

  • Contract can be used to mint Warranty Card.
  • We cannot mint multiple warranty Cards with same SerialNo.
  • By default, the owner of contract is approved for all Warranty Cards.
  • Contract can check authenticity and ownership of the Warranty Card.
  • Contract can burn the warranty Cards.

Roles in contract

  • MINTER_ROLE - Address with this role can mint Warranty Card.
  • SERVICE_PROVIDER - Address with this role can increase service count of Warrnty Card.
  • MINTER_ROLE_ADMIN - Address with this role can assign or revoke MINTER_ROLE and MINTER_ROLE_ADMIN.
  • SERVICE_PROVIDER_ADMIN - Address with this role can assign or revoke SERVICE_PROVIDER and SERVICE_PROVIDER_ADMIN.

Payable functionalities

  • Any address with MINTER_ROLE can mint Warranty Card with serial number, warranty end and tokenUri.
  • Warranty Card can burn after expiry by the owner of contract or by owner of Warranty Card.
  • Warranty Card can be transferred to any address by the owner of Contract or ower of Warranty Card.
  • Warranty Card's Service count can be increased by address with SERVICE_PROVODER role.

Non Payable functionalitites

  • Contract can check ownership and authenticity of Warranty Card.
  • Contract can return expiry date of Warranty Card
  • Contract can return tokenId by the serial No of Warranty Card.
  • We can get total number of active Warranty Cards.
  • Contract can return Warranty Card tokenUri by it's tokenId.

Access Modifiers

  • onlyMinters - Checks for MINTER_ROLE
  • onlyServiceProviders - Checks for SERVICE_PROVIDER_ROLE

Graphical User Interface

  • We can interact with Contract with Web Based UI.
  • UI connects with Metamask wallet using metamask extension.

Non Payable Functions

  • We can get total active number of the Warranty Cards.
  • It can use to check the authenticity and ownership of Warranty Card and thereby proving authenticity of the product using tokenID, serialNo and owner wallet address.
  • It can be used to check expiry of the Warranty Card using token ID.
  • We can also view our Warranty Card.
  • We can also get our tokenID with serialNo of product.

Payable Functions

  • Address with MINTER_ROLE can issue warranty card with necessary required information.
  • Owner of contract or Owner of Warranty Card can transfer warranty card.
  • Address with SERVICE_PROVIDER can increase service count of warranty card.
  • Address with MINTER_ROLE_ADMIN and SERVICE_PROVIDER_ADMIN can grant or revoke their respective roles.

Node Server

  • It runs Minting API that can help to mint the Warranty Card.
  • It runs Burn Bot that checks for expired tokens and burns them.
  • Node server connects with owner's wallet address from metamask private key.
  • It connects with the Blockchain network Provider with Provider URL.

Minting API

  • Endpoint: POST /api/mint/warrantyCard
  • Mint Warranty Card with requires headers and body.
  • headers: Wallet-Authorization : metamask private key
  • body: address, serialNo, warrantyEnd, name, description, product_id, inovice_no, payment_gateway, platform, purchase_date, transaction_id, transaction_method

Burn Bot

  • Everyday bot checks for expired warranty cards off-chain.
  • Bot burns the expired Warranty Cards if present.

Setup Project

  1. Perform npm install in main folder and client folder.
  2. Rename .env.example to .env
  3. Put values in .env
  4. Perform above steps for /client/src/utils/constants.example.js
  5. To deploy contract run:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network fuji/polygon_mumbai
  1. Paste contract address in env and constants.js
  2. Start Node server
npm run start
  1. Start React Server
npm run build
npm run preview