From early days of learning to code. Not ALL projects, just a few I organized well enough in my days of infancy dev documentation.
25 projects here and 16 links for projects hosted in other repos.
- Spotify API Visualization (Python)
- Genius API Lyrics Scraper (Python)
- Crypto Trend Analysis (Python)
- Rock Paper Scissors Simulator (Python)
- Pixel Art Maker (JavaScript)
- Sliding Tile Terminal Game (C++)
- Lorem Ipsum Generator from Genius API Song Lyrics (Python)
- Text Adventure Game (Python)
- CRUD To-Do App in Clojure
- CRUD To-Do App in Python
- Data Science Advent Calendar (Python)
- Book Inventory Program (Java)
- Machine Learning "Hello World" - The Iris Problem (Python)
- Flipping Bits (Assembly)
- Binary eFlag Status Program (Assembly)
- LangCatClub - Languages per Month
- Silly-Site-Gatsby-Challenge
- AnalyzeBinaryTrees
- Graphs
- JavaPanelReview
- PolynomialOperations
- ResourceAllocation
- FileWriter
- FrameTest
- SynchronizeThreads
- VMSimulator
- Space-Api-Fullstack-App
- Adopt-Pets-Fullstack-App
- Analyze-Census-Data
- ASCII-Image-Converter
- Flask-Login-Website
- Genre-Identifer-Spotify
- Get-Listening-History-AWS
- Password-Crack-Pylint
- Route-Planner-Shortest-Path
- Spotify-Api-Widgets
- State-Data-Database