A Torrent library for Dart developers. This library is pre-Alpha level now.
- tracker server library (bep003, bep0023)
- http only
- tracker client library (bep003, bep0023)
- http only
- torrent client library (bep003)
- dht tracker (bep5)
- torrent client
- ./example/TorrentClient
- torrent dht
- ./example/TorrentDHT
- torrent file creator
- ./example/TorrentFileCreator
- tracker url creator
- ./example/TrackerUrlCreator
- torrent file parser
- ./example/TorrentFileParser
hetima torrent client ./example/HetimaTorrentClient https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hetimatorrentclientpre-al/bepllifcfhpjoijdddiafgmclfhgjnfb
hetimna tracker server ./example/HetimaTorrentTracker https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hetimatorrenttrackersampl/achgjpmkcelodbhjhhcjeolfehheahnc
hetima torreent file ./example/HetimaTorrentFile https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hetimatorrentfilesample/aponagendffongjcpfmloabmbilnapoo
Start coding pre-Beta version middle of september Hetima Torrent library 's stability will be enhanced. and suppprt ipv6.
Hetima Torrent library will following supprt
- bep003
- bep005
- bep007
- bep023
- bep032
kyorohiro work