Classic Memory Game
The game was built as a Udacity Course project. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate mastery of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The game board consists of sixteen cards arranged randomly in a grid. The deck is made up of eight pairs of cards, each with different symbols on one side.
- The goal is to match two tiles of the same type at a time as fast as you can. The game ends when all eight pairs of matching cards have been revealed.
In addition to the basic game play several UI components have been implemented to provide the player with features to improve the overall experience.
Restart Button - This button give the player the means to reset the game board, timer, and star rating.
Star Rating - 1 to 3 stars are displayed to provide the player with a visual indication of their performance.
Timer - A timer displaying the number of seconds that have elapsed. The timer is stopped when the player wins the game.
Move Counter - Displays the number of turns the player has taken, starting with one at the first turn.