Shiny apps for Wordbank.
Apps are hosted on our Posit Connect server (hosted on EC2 on the instance wordbank-shiny
) at
. To deploy them, you'll need a user account with publisher permissions on Connect. You can obtain user credentials by going to that address in browser and clicking on "Sign Up", then asking an admin (mikabr or mcfrank) to give you publisher permissions.
- Clone this repository.
- Open the RStudio project for one of the apps in the
directory. - Make whatever changes you're making to
, andglobal.R
. Remember to iteratively ensure the app runs locally withrunApp()
. - Make sure that any other files that the apps needs (e.g. if you're embedding an image or md file) are inside that apps's directory.
- If you've made any changes to which packages are installed, run
to update the app'srenv.lock
- In the app's directory, run
and thenrsconnect::deployApp()
. - If this is your first time deploying this app, you'll need to provide the server's address (
), and if it's your first deploying any app, you'll need to provide your user credentials. - Once the app is deployed, it should open in a browser -- make sure its running succesfully, and then you're done!
- Create a new directory within
for your app, containingserver.R
, and any other files. Give it its own new RStudio project and renv environment. (An easy way of doing this in RStudio is New Project > New Directory > Shiny Application, checking "Use renv with this project"). - Copy the files
from another one of the apps. - Develop the app!
- If developing the app necessitated any changes to
, propagate them to thecommon.R
file in the root of the repo and then run./scripts/
. (Be careful to make sure these changes don't break other apps.) - Follow the same steps as above to deploy the app:
- Once the app is done deploying, open it in the Connect admin interface and under "Access", change "Sharing" to "Anyone - no login required", and under "Content URL", set "Path" to a short identifier for the app (ideally the same as the app's directory in the repo for clarify).
- In this file in the
repo, add an entry for the app with its title, name (IMPORTANT: this name needs to be the same as what you used for the path above), and thumbnail. Note that the json file has the apps structured into sections, and this structure is reflected in the boxes on the Data page and in the navbar on each app's page. - Deploy Wordbank to Elastic Beanstalk (git commit, then
eb deploy wordbank-dev
andeb deploy wordbank-prod
assuming your AWS CLI is installed + configured + permissioned).
- For most changes, deploying apps with the above workflow is all that's needed and there's no need to ssh into the server. Direct server access is needed for things like: something needs to be changed about the Connect configuration; a new Connect license needs to be activated; the system needs changes (e.g. new system-level dependencies or a new version of R); or the Connect server needs to be restarted for whatever reason.
- See the Connect docs for everything about configuration/management.
- Specifically, to restart Connect, run
sudo systemctl restart rstudio-connect
. To change the Connect configuration, make changes to the/etc/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.gcfg
file and then restart Connect (for reference, a version of the config is saved in this repo asscripts/rstudio-connect.gcfg
). Activate a new license key by running:
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager activate <LICENSE-KEY>
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager deactivate
sudo systemctl restart rstudio-connect
- If
has a new SSL certificate, the certificate and private key files need to be placed in/etc/rstudio-connect/
, as per the setting in the configuration file being:
Listen = :443
Certificate = /etc/rstudio-connect/wordbank-shiny_com.crt
Key = /etc/rstudio-connect/private.key
Listen = :80
- If a new Connect instance needs to be set up for some reason (e.g. migration to new server), follow the instructions here. The steps are overviewed below assuming the OS is Ubuntu and all needed resources/configuration match the current ones.
- Install R:
sudo apt install r-base-core
. - Download Connect (updating date/version):
curl -O
sudo apt install ./rstudio-connect_2025.02.0~ubuntu24_amd64.deb
- Activate license:
sudo /opt/rstudio-connect/bin/license-manager activate <LICENSE-KEY>
. - Modify as needed the configuration file at
. Copy of current config lives here. This configuration needs an SSL certificate for the server's address (see here for setup instructions) and SMTP credentials + identity verification for Amazon SES (or a different SMTP provider). - Verify that Connect is running:
sudo systemctl status rstudio-connect
, if it's not then debug using log files at/var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/
(e.g.sudo tail /var/log/rstudio/rstudio-connect/rstudio-connect.log
. Known issue is that on some cases Connect has trouble finding the R installation, this can fixed by changing some values in its config, see here.
- There are backup versions of all the apps deployed to
under the[email protected]
account. If the Connect server is down for whatever reason, the Wordbank website can be set up to use those apps instead. - In this file in the wordbank repo, change the variable
(or a different host if needed), then deploy wordbank to elastic beanstalk (eb deploy wordbank-dev
andeb deploy wordbank-prod
once you have the AWS CLI installed/configured). - If the apps are deployed on a different host that also has a copy of the database running locally,
needs to be changed to check for the right hostname (and changes need to be propagated to all apps).
- The Shiny apps use Wordbank data from a local database on the same EC2 instance that's running the Connect instance (because this makes data loading much faster). This database is a copy of the main Wordbank database on RDS.
- To update the database on this instance, a dump of the main database that you want to use needs to be put in S3 and then loaded here.
- To create a new version dump (on any machine with AWS CLI configured with the right permissions):
wbpath=/home/ubuntu/wordbank-versions/wordbank_$(date +%Y%m%d).sql
mysqldump -h -u wordbankadmin -p --databases wordbank --add-drop-database --result-file=${wbpath}
aws s3 cp ${wbpath} s3://wordbank-versioning
rm ${wbpath}
Then to load it into the local database (on the wordbank-shiny
EC2 instance):
aws s3 ls s3://wordbank-versioning
# pick desired version
sudo mysql < wordbank_${wb_version}.sql
- Most of the apps use the local database directly, with the exception of the
app, which has a cached data file within it (apps/uni_lemmas/all_prop_data.rds
). A new version of this data can be creating using theapps/uni_lemmas/cache_all_prop_data.R