MiCRA: a minimal pipeline for functional microbiome information retrieval using Natural Language Processing and Biomedical Ontologies
Student: Madalena Girão
Supervisor: Francisco Couto
Co-supervisor: Ana Margarida Fortes
Abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity, pose significant challenges to modern agriculture, threatening global food security amid increasing climate variability. Microbial communities, particularly those associated with plants and crops, offer a promising approach for mitigating the impacts of these stresses. This dissertation introduces MiCRA (Microbial Communities for Regenerative Agriculture), an innovative natural language processing pipeline designed to extract, process, and organize knowledge about microbe-mediated stress tolerance in plants. The system combines text mining techniques and the NCBI Organismal Taxonomy Ontology to generate robust datasets, capturing relationships between microorganisms, plants, and stresses from biomedical literature. The primary goal is to empower researchers to explore sustainable, microbe-based regenerative agriculture solutions for enhancing plant resilience to various types of abiotic stress.
This work resulted in the creation of a comprehensive gold-standard corpus, based on the manual curation of an automatically generated silver-standard corpus. The initial corpus was partially evaluated by nine curators from the fields of Biology and Biochemistry, achieving an accuracy of 55.37% and an F-score of 71.27%, with an inter-curator agreement level of 88.97%. The Microbe-Mediated Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance (2M-PAST) corpus comprises 2718 relationships derived from 8154 annotations, including 440 microbial entities, 20 stress entities, and 16 plant entities. Key findings include the validation of co-occurrence-based methods for Relation Extraction (RE) and the identification of significant gaps in existing ontological resources. Furthermore, subsequent data analysis revealed textual patterns that can be leveraged to further refine the pipeline and improve methodological strategies.
Despite opportunities for improvement, MiCRA's simplified design, which integrates lexicon-based entity recognition and sentence-level RE, highlights its potential to drive advancements in regenerative agriculture. Moreover, the results aim to promote the development and adoption of task-specific systems in biomedical text processing, establishing them as a viable and more sustainable alternative to large language models, such as ChatGPT. The public availability of this tool, along with the associated corpus, cements its value as a strategic resource for agricultural research and development on a large scale.
Microdrygrape Project @ FCUL
Bayer Digital Campus Challenge 2023 (Data-Driven Farming)
Sousa, D., Lamurias, A., and Couto, F. M. (2019). A silver standard corpus of human phenotype-gene relations. NAACL HLT 2019 - 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies - Proceedings of the Conference, 1:1487–1492 (https://aclanthology.org/N19-1152/)
Python = 3.9
Term Recognition:
Data Visualization:
cd bin/
git clone [email protected]:lasigeBioTM/MER.git
wget https://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ncbitaxon.owl
mkdir logfiles || True
python3 ./bin/produce_data_files_classes.py | tee logfiles/01_lexicon_creation.txt
Generates lexicon files for microorganism and plant entities (stress entity lexicon was manually created and already exists in ./bin/MER/data/)
python3 tools/crosscheck.py | tee logfiles/02_crosscheck.txt
Checks if all entities in the Ground Truth Dataset (GTD) were retrieved from the ontology by the lexicon creation script (for entity recognition optimization).
python3 src/get_pmcids.py | tee logfiles/03_get_pmcids.txt
Creates a text file for each stress type containing the retrieved PMCIDs.
python3 src/write_files.py | tee logfiles/04_write_files.txt
Takes every PMCID and extracts the corresponding article, retrieving textual information and ignoring tables, figures and supplemental data.
python3 src/get_raw_dataset.py | tee logfiles/05_get_raw_dataset.txt
Processes every article to obtain dataset entries pertaining to microorganism-stress-plant relations based on entity co-occurrence at sentence-level.
python3 src/check_relations.py
A terminal-based tool for validating dataset entries which relies on user input, and ultimately creates a final, curated corpus.
python3 src/dataset_profile.py
Creates a text file with dataset features (positive-negative instance ratio, most common entities for each type, etc), and separate files for the most combinations of entities.
- Creates:
- info/dataset_profile.txt
- info/combinations_ALL.txt
- info/combinations_cold.txt
- info/combinations_drought.txt
- info/combinations_heat.txt
- info/combinations_salt.txt
python3 src/get_model_files.py
Creates annotated .tsv files for model development (training and testing) after handling entitiy synonymy.
- MER/
- data/
- stress_links.tsv
- stress_synonyms.txt
- stress_word1.txt
- stress_word2.txt
- stress_words.txt
- stress_words2.txt
- data/
- nltk_data/
- classes_microorganisms.txt
- classes_plant.txt
- produce_data_files_classes.py
- MER/
- 14_09_2024_corpus/
- info/
- combinations_ALL.txt
- combinations_cold.txt
- combinations_drought.txt
- combinations_heat.txt
- combinations_salt.txt
- dataset_profile.txt
- instance_types
- dataset_negatives.txt
- dataset_positives.txt
- NO_combination.txt
- NO_mixedEntities.txt
- NO_mutants.txt
- NO_norelation.txt
- NO_products.txt
- NO_relation2.txt
- YES_context.txt
- YES_direct.txt
- YES_indirect.txt
- model_data
- 2mpast_test.tsv
- 2mpast_train.tsv
- Checked_DS.txt
- info/
- 14_09_2024_corpus/
- article_list.csv
- GTD.txt
- check_relations.py
- dataset_profile.py
- get_model_files.py
- get_pmcids.py
- get_raw_dataset.py
- write_files.py
- crosscheck.py
- knowledge_graph.ipynb
- word_frequency.ipynb