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🚧 CMS in construction 🚧

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About 🕵️

This is a ambicious blog project started as a course final skills training. I had the amazing idea to rebuild the original Strapi CMS / GraphQL data provider to a Golang / REST approach, using all my skills from the last two years of corporative contribution.

Commits 📦

I've been followed the conventinal commits to organize my code, feel free to learn more about it.

Tec's ⤵️

Front-end Description
React.js The master of web development market share
Next.js To use SSG ,SSR, ISR
TypeScript The superset of Javascript. Provide us a robust type system
StoryBook UI documentation for front-end components
Jest Unit and 2E2 tests of our front-end app
Styled Components Runtime stylesheet solution to suport SCSS and SASS

Back-End Description
Golang Simple and efficient
MongoDB One of the best no-sql databases available
Cloudnary A service that provide to us the CDN application to save our images

Steps for local execution 🔴


  1. Clone git clone

  2. Go to the directory cd ./frontend

  3. Install dependecies npm i

  4. Run dev envrioment npm run dev


  1. Go to the folder cd ./backend
  2. Install golang at your machine at
  3. Run the follow command: go install go run main.go

Enviroments 👾


The storybook documentation consist in a set of components that are fullfilled with data mocks in a way that we can see how actually components were created and are binded together to form the web app.

npm run storybook

Storybook component demonstration

a gif of storybook structure in way that a click in a button produces a action of show and hide a text in the component

Test (Jest)

Our front-end enviroment can be tested with the follow commands:

npm run test --watchAll --silent
npm run test -- --watchAll=false --coverage

Test demonstration

test of 6 components with 100% of tested lines


To connect to the mongodb using shell, please provide the username/password of the application.

mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username <username>

And start your first queries by using commands such as

show dbs
use <db>

show collections


Docs available at:



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