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Pull requests: leanprover-community/mathlib3

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Pull requests list

chore(*): add mathlib4 synchronization comments awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR easy < 20s of review time. See the lifecycle page for guidelines. mathlib4-synchronization This PR *only* adds a message to the module doc about synchronization with mathlib4
#19240 opened Aug 20, 2023 by github-actions bot Loading…
feat(topology/algebra/infinite_sum) : define infinite products awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#19219 opened Jun 29, 2023 by AntoineChambert-Loir Loading…
Test leanprover-community/lean#812 too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#19192 opened Jun 15, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
feat(measure_theory/measure): show that bounded continuous functions separate measures too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#19189 opened Jun 14, 2023 by pfaffelh Draft
feat(topology/algebra/infinite_sum): Extract none from a sum over option types awaiting-author A reviewer has asked the author a question or requested changes modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#19150 opened Jun 4, 2023 by dtumad Loading…
feat(analysis/calculus/fderiv/exp): derivative of exp ℝ (A x) in non-commutative rings help-wanted The author needs attention to resolve issues too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#19056 opened May 21, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
1 task done
refactor(measure_theory/measure/lebesgue): use ‖a‖₊ • instead of ennreal.of_real (|a|) * awaiting-CI The author would like to see what CI has to say before doing more work. modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#19018 opened May 15, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
feat(measure_theory/measure/haar_lebesgue): the volume measures on euclidean_space ℝ ι and ι → ℝ agree modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. t-measure-probability Measure theory / Probability theory too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#19013 opened May 14, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
3 tasks done
feat(library): max-flow min-cut help-wanted The author needs attention to resolve issues too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#18998 opened May 12, 2023 by amilchew Loading…
feat(library): weak duality of max-flow min-cut theorem awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18996 opened May 12, 2023 by amilchew Loading…
refactor(linear_algebra/*): Rename linear_equiv.range to linear_equiv.range_eq_top awaiting-CI The author would like to see what CI has to say before doing more work. modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#18969 opened May 8, 2023 by tb65536 Loading…
feat(order/filter,topology/instances/nnreal): upgrade some lemmas to iff awaiting-author A reviewer has asked the author a question or requested changes modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. t-order Order hierarchy t-topology Topological spaces, uniform spaces, metric spaces, filters too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18964 opened May 7, 2023 by urkud Loading…
feat(zmod/basic) modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18953 opened May 6, 2023 by laughinggas Loading…
feat(ring_theory/derivation): support non-commutative rings (via bimodules) too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3 WIP Work in progress
#18936 opened May 3, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
1 task done
refactor(number_theory/modular_forms/slash_actions): slash actions are families of distrib_mul_actions RFC Request for comment t-number-theory Number theory (also use t-algebra or t-analysis to specialize) too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18932 opened May 3, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
feat(algebra/*): morphisms from closures are equal if they agree on generators awaiting-CI The author would like to see what CI has to say before doing more work. awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. t-algebra Algebra (groups, rings, fields etc) too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18836 opened Apr 19, 2023 by eric-wieser Loading…
feat(inner_product_space/positive): matrix.pos_semidef iff x.to_euclidean_lin.is_positive awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR blocked-by-other-PR This PR depends on another PR which is still in the queue. A bot manages this label via PR comment. not-too-late This PR was ready at the point mathlib3 was frozen: we will try to merge it and port it to mathlib4
#18786 opened Apr 10, 2023 by themathqueen Loading…
1 task
feat(inner_product_space/positive): defines square root of a linear map blocked-by-other-PR This PR depends on another PR which is still in the queue. A bot manages this label via PR comment. not-ready-to-merge t-analysis Analysis (normed *, calculus)
#18779 opened Apr 9, 2023 by themathqueen Loading…
1 task
feat(topology/noetherian_space): use well_founded_(lt/gt) awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18776 opened Apr 9, 2023 by vihdzp Draft
chore(*): bundle typeclasses awaiting-CI The author would like to see what CI has to say before doing more work. awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR t-order Order hierarchy too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18775 opened Apr 9, 2023 by vihdzp Loading…
chore(data/fintype/card): instance well_founded_of_trans_of_irrefl awaiting-CI The author would like to see what CI has to say before doing more work. awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18774 opened Apr 9, 2023 by vihdzp Draft
chore(logic/hydra): instance well_founded.cut_expand awaiting-author A reviewer has asked the author a question or requested changes modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18757 opened Apr 7, 2023 by vihdzp Loading…
feat(order/well_founded): well_founded_lt.has_min, etc. awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR blocked-by-other-PR This PR depends on another PR which is still in the queue. A bot manages this label via PR comment. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18751 opened Apr 6, 2023 by vihdzp Draft
1 task
feat(order/rel_classes): housekeeping awaiting-review The author would like community review of the PR blocked-by-other-PR This PR depends on another PR which is still in the queue. A bot manages this label via PR comment. modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. not-too-late This PR was ready at the point mathlib3 was frozen: we will try to merge it and port it to mathlib4 t-order Order hierarchy
#18750 opened Apr 6, 2023 by vihdzp Loading…
1 task
feat(logic/relation): auxiliary forall_exists_rel relation awaiting-author A reviewer has asked the author a question or requested changes modifies-synchronized-file This PR touches a files that has already been ported to mathlib4, and may need a synchronization PR. too-late This PR was ready too late for inclusion in mathlib3
#18713 opened Apr 2, 2023 by vihdzp Loading…
ProTip! Filter pull requests by the default branch with base:master.