overtone drawing board
Returning to this project after a while, I could not get the internal
SuperCollider server to boot with my current system (Debian Linux,
OpenJDK 12.0.1, Clojure 1.9.0, Overtone 0.10.6) - it throws an
exception. However, I got the external server to boot. Producing sound
was a little tricky as I am unfamiliar with JACK but it helped to
observe how the SuperCollider IDE configured the JACK connection graph
(open scide
and qjackctl
; start the SC server from within the IDE;
play a test sound to make sure it works; look at the qjackctl graph
I am not sure if this setup is consistent for every system, but this works for me:
- Suspend pulseaudio and start JACK server:
pasuspender -- jackd -r -d alsa -r 44100
- Start SuperCollider server:
export SC_JACK_DEFAULT_INPUTS="system:capture_1,system:capture_2"
export SC_JACK_DEFAULT_OUTPUTS="system:playback_1,system:playback_2"
scsynth -u 57110 -i 2 -o 2 -m 128000
This post (https://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de/MusicTechnology/634) helped me figure out how to configure JACK input/outputs automatically (SC_JACK_DEFAULT_[INPUTS|OUTPUTS]).
- Start REPL and test sound:
lein repl
> (use overtone.core)
> (connect-external-server)
> (demo (saw 440))
In a REPL:
> (use 'soundlab.core)
> (composition)
To stop sound: