Data synchronization utility in tables of two databases
This utility allows you to fix errors in the failure of data replication.
Usage: dbsync [options] TableFile DrvSrc Source DrvDst Destination
-?, -h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-y Confirm the automatic actions.
-l Write down to the log file.
-x Show differences in tables only.
-u Ignore rows updating.
-i Ignore rows adding.
-d Ignore rows deletion.
-t Disable trigger execution (off/on).
-m <connections> The number of concurrent database connections (1-20).
-n <limit> Symbols quantity limit in the log file line (50-999).
-b Writing additional debugging information.
TableFile Path to the table data file.
DrvSrc,DrvDst Driver name for connecting to the (source,destination) database: QOCI QPSQL
Source Db: user/password@alias or user/password@db[:addr*port]
Destination Db: user/password@alias or user/password@db[:addr*port]
- table columns
- key table columns
- name table
- [condition (where)]
- [triggers]
- key table columns - columns to define unique rows;
- where - process only part of the data in the table;
- triggers - disabling (replication) triggers during data synchronization.
How to Use:
DbSync is a command line application. You can use it like the following:
- Detect the differences in the tables: "dbsync -l -x ..."
- Check the log file
- Synchronize data in tables: "dbsync -l ..."
- Check the log file and the Db
The Examples folder contains examples of tables and the program invocation.
Project building:
- qmake -makefile
- make (gcc/mingw) or nmake (msvs)
You need:
- Qt 5 (v.5.11 and higher)
- compiler: MinGW, GCC, Microsoft Visual C++
- libraries for the database handling: oracle, postgresql
Folder "DBINSTANCE" (for Windows):
SubFolder "DbInstance\Psql":
- iconv.dll
- libeay32.dll
- libiconv.dll
- libintl.dll
- libpq.dll
- libxml2.dll
- libxslt.dll
- ssleay32.dll
SubFolder "DbInstance\Oracle":
- Files from Oracle instant client