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Add begin_interactive_funding_tx_construction()
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This method is needed by both V2 channel open and splicing.
Auxiliary changes:
- New method `calculate_change_output_value()` for determining if
  a change output is needed, and with what value.
- In `` adjust the visibility of
  `SharedOwnedOutput` and `OutputOwned` structs (were not used before).
- In `DualFundingChannelContext` add a new field for the counterparty
  contribution, `their_funding_satoshis`.
  • Loading branch information
optout21 committed Mar 9, 2025
1 parent 4c43a5b commit 15a61e0
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Showing 2 changed files with 296 additions and 17 deletions.
155 changes: 145 additions & 10 deletions lightning/src/ln/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use bitcoin::amount::Amount;
use bitcoin::constants::ChainHash;
use bitcoin::script::{Script, ScriptBuf, Builder, WScriptHash};
use bitcoin::transaction::{Transaction, TxIn};
use bitcoin::transaction::{Transaction, TxIn, TxOut};
use bitcoin::sighash::EcdsaSighashType;
use bitcoin::consensus::encode;
use bitcoin::absolute::LockTime;
Expand All @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ use crate::ln::types::ChannelId;
use crate::types::payment::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
use crate::types::features::{ChannelTypeFeatures, InitFeatures};
use crate::ln::interactivetxs::{
get_output_weight, HandleTxCompleteValue, HandleTxCompleteResult, InteractiveTxConstructor,
InteractiveTxConstructorArgs, InteractiveTxSigningSession, InteractiveTxMessageSendResult,
get_output_weight, calculate_change_output_value, HandleTxCompleteValue, HandleTxCompleteResult, InteractiveTxConstructor,
InteractiveTxConstructorArgs, InteractiveTxMessageSend, InteractiveTxSigningSession, InteractiveTxMessageSendResult,
OutputOwned, SharedOwnedOutput, TX_COMMON_FIELDS_WEIGHT,
use crate::ln::msgs;
use crate::ln::msgs::{ClosingSigned, ClosingSignedFeeRange, DecodeError};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2222,6 +2222,106 @@ impl<SP: Deref> InitialRemoteCommitmentReceiver<SP> for FundedChannel<SP> where

impl<SP: Deref> PendingV2Channel<SP> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
/// Prepare and start interactive transaction negotiation.
/// `change_destination_opt` - Optional destination for optional change; if None, default destination address is used.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(dual_funding): Remove once contribution to V2 channels is enabled
fn begin_interactive_funding_tx_construction<ES: Deref>(
&mut self, signer_provider: &SP, entropy_source: &ES, holder_node_id: PublicKey,
change_destination_opt: Option<ScriptBuf>,
) -> Result<Option<InteractiveTxMessageSend>, APIError>
where ES::Target: EntropySource
let mut funding_inputs = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut self.dual_funding_context.our_funding_inputs, &mut funding_inputs);

let funding_inputs_prev_outputs = DualFundingChannelContext::txouts_from_input_prev_txs(&funding_inputs)
.map_err(|err| APIError::APIMisuseError { err: err.to_string() })?;

let total_input_satoshis: u64 = funding_inputs_prev_outputs.iter().map(|txout| txout.value.to_sat()).sum();
if total_input_satoshis < self.dual_funding_context.our_funding_satoshis {
return Err(APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Total value of funding inputs must be at least funding amount. It was {} sats",
total_input_satoshis) });

// Add output for funding tx
let mut funding_outputs = Vec::new();
let funding_output_value_satoshis = self.funding.get_value_satoshis();
let funding_output_script_pubkey = self.funding.get_funding_redeemscript().to_p2wsh();
let expected_remote_shared_funding_output = if self.funding.is_outbound() {
let tx_out = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(funding_output_value_satoshis),
script_pubkey: funding_output_script_pubkey,
if self.dual_funding_context.their_funding_satoshis.unwrap_or(0) == 0 {
} else {
tx_out, self.dual_funding_context.our_funding_satoshis
} else {
Some((funding_output_script_pubkey, funding_output_value_satoshis))

// Optionally add change output
let change_value_opt = calculate_change_output_value(
self.funding.is_outbound(), self.dual_funding_context.our_funding_satoshis,
&funding_inputs_prev_outputs, &funding_outputs,
).map_err(|err| APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Insufficient inputs, cannot cover intended contribution of {} and fees; {}",
self.dual_funding_context.our_funding_satoshis, err
if let Some(change_value) = change_value_opt {
let change_script = if let Some(script) = change_destination_opt {
} else {
.map_err(|err| APIError::APIMisuseError {
err: format!("Failed to get change script as new destination script, {:?}", err),
let mut change_output = TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(change_value),
script_pubkey: change_script,
let change_output_weight = get_output_weight(&change_output.script_pubkey).to_wu();
let change_output_fee = fee_for_weight(self.dual_funding_context.funding_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, change_output_weight);
let change_value_decreased_with_fee = change_value.saturating_sub(change_output_fee);
// Check dust limit again
if change_value_decreased_with_fee > self.context.holder_dust_limit_satoshis {
change_output.value = Amount::from_sat(change_value_decreased_with_fee);

let constructor_args = InteractiveTxConstructorArgs {
counterparty_node_id: self.context.counterparty_node_id,
channel_id: self.context.channel_id(),
feerate_sat_per_kw: self.dual_funding_context.funding_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight,
is_initiator: self.funding.is_outbound(),
funding_tx_locktime: self.dual_funding_context.funding_tx_locktime,
inputs_to_contribute: funding_inputs,
outputs_to_contribute: funding_outputs,
let mut tx_constructor = InteractiveTxConstructor::new(constructor_args)
.map_err(|_| APIError::APIMisuseError { err: "Incorrect shared output provided".into() })?;
let msg = tx_constructor.take_initiator_first_message();

self.interactive_tx_constructor = Some(tx_constructor);


pub fn tx_add_input(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddInput) -> InteractiveTxMessageSendResult {
InteractiveTxMessageSendResult(match &mut self.interactive_tx_constructor {
Some(ref mut tx_constructor) => tx_constructor.handle_tx_add_input(msg).map_err(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4875,6 +4975,9 @@ fn check_v2_funding_inputs_sufficient(
pub(super) struct DualFundingChannelContext {
/// The amount in satoshis we will be contributing to the channel.
pub our_funding_satoshis: u64,
/// The amount in satoshis our counterparty will be contributing to the channel.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(dual_funding): Remove once contribution to V2 channels is enabled.
pub their_funding_satoshis: Option<u64>,
/// The funding transaction locktime suggested by the initiator. If set by us, it is always set
/// to the current block height to align incentives against fee-sniping.
pub funding_tx_locktime: LockTime,
Expand All @@ -4886,10 +4989,39 @@ pub(super) struct DualFundingChannelContext {
/// Note that the `our_funding_satoshis` field is equal to the total value of `our_funding_inputs`
/// minus any fees paid for our contributed weight. This means that change will never be generated
/// and the maximum value possible will go towards funding the channel.
/// Note that this field may be emptied once the interactive negotiation has been started.
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO(dual_funding): Remove once contribution to V2 channels is enabled.
pub our_funding_inputs: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>,

impl DualFundingChannelContext {
/// Obtain prev outputs for each supplied input and matching transaction.
/// Will error when a prev tx does not have an output for the specified vout.
/// Also checks for matching of transaction IDs.
fn txouts_from_input_prev_txs(inputs: &Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>) -> Result<Vec<&TxOut>, ChannelError> {
let mut prev_outputs: Vec<&TxOut> = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len());
// Check that vouts exist for each TxIn in provided transactions.
for (idx, (txin, tx)) in inputs.iter().enumerate() {
let txid = tx.as_transaction().compute_txid();
if txin.previous_output.txid != txid {
return Err(ChannelError::Warn(
format!("Transaction input txid mismatch, {} vs. {}, at index {}", txin.previous_output.txid, txid, idx)
if let Some(output) = tx.as_transaction().output.get(txin.previous_output.vout as usize) {
} else {
return Err(ChannelError::Warn(
format!("Transaction with txid {} does not have an output with vout of {} corresponding to TxIn, at index {}",
txid, txin.previous_output.vout, idx)

// Holder designates channel data owned for the benefit of the user client.
// Counterparty designates channel data owned by the another channel participant entity.
pub(super) struct FundedChannel<SP: Deref> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9851,16 +9983,18 @@ impl<SP: Deref> PendingV2Channel<SP> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {
unfunded_channel_age_ticks: 0,
holder_commitment_point: HolderCommitmentPoint::new(&context.holder_signer, &context.secp_ctx),
let dual_funding_context = DualFundingChannelContext {
our_funding_satoshis: funding_satoshis,
their_funding_satoshis: None,
our_funding_inputs: funding_inputs,
let chan = Self {
dual_funding_context: DualFundingChannelContext {
our_funding_satoshis: funding_satoshis,
our_funding_inputs: funding_inputs,
interactive_tx_constructor: None,
interactive_tx_signing_session: None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10002,6 +10136,7 @@ impl<SP: Deref> PendingV2Channel<SP> where SP::Target: SignerProvider {

let dual_funding_context = DualFundingChannelContext {
our_funding_satoshis: our_funding_satoshis,
their_funding_satoshis: Some(msg.common_fields.funding_satoshis),
funding_tx_locktime: LockTime::from_consensus(msg.locktime),
funding_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: msg.funding_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight,
our_funding_inputs: our_funding_inputs.clone(),
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