Versatile, fast and lightweight web UI for managing Apache Kafka® clusters. Built by developers, for developers.
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Official README
Compared to the official latest version 0.7.1, the current project has made 5 upgrades:
- Added the following configuration items to the Topic list: BytesIn/sec BytesOut/sec Msg/sec Msg-5min/sec Fetch/sec Fetch5min/sec Produce/sec Produce5min/sec This has two advantages: it aligns display items with Kafka-Manager and makes the list display more intuitive.
- Added BytesIn/sec and BytesOut/sec to the Broker list, allowing for Broker-level data throughput statistics.
Adapted the retrieval of ActiveController to the Kraft protocol, addressing a bug in the official version.
Replaced the concept of the jmxport configuration item. Previously, a cluster could only use one jmxport. Now, the concept of jmxport-offset has been introduced, where the actual jmxport of the broker = brokerport + jmxport-offset, thus supporting single-machine mixed deployment scenarios.
Add support for acl-creation in the listpage
- Setup nodejs by nvm
nvm install 16.15.0
- Root directory of the project
mvn clean package -DskipTests
- Build react-app and copy to kafka-ui-api
cd kafka-ui-react-app/
npm run build
cd build/
cp -r * ../../kafka-ui-api/src/main/resources/static/
- Root directory of the project
mvn clean package -DskipTests
cd kafka-ui-api/target
Then you can see the release jar "kafka-ui-0.7.2.jar"
- Run jar
java -Dspring.config.additional-location=application-local.yml --add-opens java.rmi/javax.rmi.ssl=ALL-UNNAMED -jar kafka-ui-api-0.7.2.jar