This library implements a client for the REST API of the virtualskeletondatabase ( It supports authentication, general queries, and specific requests such as image upload/download, object linking and right management. Examples are provided in the examples directory. Please use '' for testing purposes.
- Pyhton 3 (3.4.3)
- usage of requests package instead of urllib2
- usage of pathlib instead of os.path
- usage of PyJWT for authentication PyJWT
- support file removed (no needed with requests)
- introduction of API classes
- Added SAML auth
- Added chunk Upload (upload files > 500 MB)
- Added JWT auth
- Quick summary: connect to vsd
- Version: 0.2
clone the repo
Install the package with dependencies
pip install vsdConnect
or, if you want to edit the source:
pip install --editable vsdConnect
- Write exception handling
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Adding sockets/timeouts/retries
- Adding more stable support for pagination
- Add general file upload
- Write some sort of GUI example
- Repo owner or admin
- Other community or team contact
- The server response is very slow if you have 50+ folders. VSD-connect makes a request to the server for each folder. Therefore, I will be slow if you have a lot of folders and use the folder methods. You should then use the getRequest function and create your APIFolder object locally.
from vsdConnect import connectVSD
api = connectVSD.VSDConnecter()
obj = api.getObject(21)