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A simple hot start (abbreviated as ihot). Simple, it's because only do one thing, listen for file changes, and restart the execution command

English 中文


npx  ihot

Using configuration files

Can configure files such as' miconfig.json ',' miconfig.ts', and 'miconfig.js' to configure hot values for heating updates

If both configurations exist, the final configuration will be '.json'. If there is no '.json' file, the final configuration will be '.js' file

create profile

Create a configuration file using the init command

npx ihot init # Independently selecting configuration files
npx ihot init JSON # Use JSON to configure format files
npx ihot i -n # Use JSON to configure format files
npx ihot init js # Use js to configure format files
npx ihot i -j # Use JavaScript to configure format files
npx ihot init ts # Use ts to configure format files
npx ihot i -t # Use ts configuration format file

You can use - h to view specific usage and their abbreviations

JSON format configuration file

  "hot": {
    /***  base */
    "base": "..",
    /**  cwd   */
    // "cwd": "",
    /**  Hot start-up listening files */
    "watch": "ihot",
     * Default not listening to   *\/lib, *\/cjs, and *\/es
     * packaged content,can be changed according to actual situation
    "skip": ["exportCjs", "exportMjs", "exportTypes"],
    /**  Command used  */
    "code": "npx lmssee",
     *  The parameters passed in can be directly placed into
     *  the code attribute.
     *  After executing the command, pay attention to the order
    "args": ["-al"],
    /** Other commands that need to be executed before executing  */
    "beforeReStart": {
      "ihot": "npm  run build "

JS format configuration file

/**  Do not add non commented content outside the function body  */
// see in配置说明
() => ({
  //  热启动相关配置
  hot: {
    // 监听文件的相对路径(这里不影响 \`cwd\` 路径, cwd 依旧相对于配置文件目录 )
    base: '..',
    // 监听的文件/夹,但他们内部文件变化,可触发再次启动
    watch: ['ihot'],
    // 打包编译文件,不监听以下文件内文件变化
    skip: ['exportCjs', 'exportMjs', 'exportTypes'],
    // 启动 \`code\` 的相对目录,可以为空
    // "cwd": ".",
    // 执行的具体的命令
    code: 'node  ./index.js',
    // 启动时赋予 \`code\` 的参数
    args: ['-v'],
    // 监听变化后,相对目录在再次启动前执行的命令
    // 这个属性应与 \`watch\` 元素相同
    beforeRestart: {
      ihot: 'npm  run build',

TS format configuration file

/**  Do not add non commented content outside the function body  */
// 配置项配置说明
() => ({
  //  热启动相关配置
  hot: {
    // 监听文件的相对路径(这里不影响 \`cwd\` 路径, cwd 依旧相对于配置文件目录 )
    // "base": ".",
    // 监听的文件/夹,但他们内部文件变化,可触发再次启动
    watch: ['.', 'src'],
    // 打包编译文件,不监听以下文件内文件变化
    skip: ['out', 'types'],
    // 启动 \`code\` 的相对目录,可以为空
    // "cwd": ".",
    // 执行的具体的命令
    code: 'node  ./index.js',
    // 启动时赋予 \`code\` 的参数
    args: ['-v'],
    // 监听变化后,相对目录在再次启动前执行的命令
    // 这个属性应与 \`watch\` 元素相同
    beforeRestart: {
      src: 'npm  run build',

If during startup, except for npx ihot (non global installation) and ihot (global installation), which have parameters after startup, the configuration file will be directly overwritten

Configuration Description

watch : listening object

watch is the file or folder to listen to, defaulting to ., The current hot restart path. Can be changed by oneself

  watch : "cli"

If you want to listen to multiple folders, you can use arrays to modify the default values

  watch: ["cli", "tools"]

skip : Ignored files

skip Configure files that ignore listening If the build file is not included, it may cause an infinite loop: clean ->build ->clean ->build

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a simple hot restart







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