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An API wrapper for Cryptowatch written in R. Prices and other information on cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges can be retrieved.


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CRAN_Status_Badge Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Lifecycle: stable R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage

An API wrapper for Cryptowatch written in R


This R package provides a wrapper for the Cryptowatch API. You can get prices and other information (volume, trades, order books, bid and ask prices, live quotes, and more) about cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges. Check for a detailed documentation. The API is free of charge and does not require you to create an API key. For example, you can easily retrieve historical prices for a large number of cryptocurrencies without setting up an account. However, for heavy users, this option is included in the package as well.


You can install the released version of cryptowatchR from CRAN with:


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


## Examples


# Some settings
exchange <- "kraken"
pair <- "btcusd"

# Daily prices of Bitcoin in USD
df_ohlc_daily <- get_ohlc(pair)

# Hourly prices
df_ohlc_hourly <- get_ohlc(pair, periods = 3600,
                           before = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())),
                           after = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date() - 5)),
                           exchange, datetime = FALSE)

# Hourly prices using date/datetime variables
df_ohlc_hourly_datetime <- get_ohlc(pair, periods = 3600, 
                                    before = Sys.Date(), 
                                    after = Sys.Date() - 5,
                                    exchange, datetime = TRUE)

# Daily prices using date/datetime variables
df_ohlc_daily_datetime <- get_ohlc(pair, periods = 86400, 
                                   before = "2021-05-12", 
                                   after = "2021-01-01",
                                   exchange, datetime = TRUE)

# Daily prices using POSIX time
df_ohlc_daily_posix <- get_ohlc(pair, periods = 86400, 
                                before = as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2021-05-12 14:00:00 UCT")),
                                after = as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2021-01-01 14:00:00 UCT")), 
                                exchange, datetime = FALSE)

# Current market price
current_price <- get_current_price("btcusd")
current_prices <- get_current_price()

## Get trades
# Most recent trades (default is 50)
trades <- get_trades(pair)
# 100 trades
trades_100 <- get_trades(pair, limit = 100, datetime = FALSE)
# 200 trades (maximum is 1000) since 1589571417 (unix timestamp)
trades_unix <- get_trades(pair, since = 1589571417, limit = 200, datetime = FALSE)
# 1000 trades and datetime is TRUE
trades_datetime <- get_trades(pair, since = "2021-06-01", limit = 1000)

# 24h-hour summary of cryptocurrency pairs
summary <- get_summary("btcusd")
summaries <- get_summary()
summaries_id <- get_summary(keyBy = "id")
summaries_symbols <- get_summary(keyBy = "symbols")

# Orderbook for Bitcoin-USD (bid and ask with Price and Amount)
orderbook <- get_orderbook(pair, exchange = exchange)
orderbook_depth <- get_orderbook(pair, exchange = exchange, depth = 100)
orderbook_span <- get_orderbook(pair, exchange = exchange, span = 0.5)
orderbook_limit <- get_orderbook(pair, exchange = exchange, limit = 1)

# Get liquidity sums in the order book of Bitcoin in USD
liquidity <- get_orderbook_liquidity("btcusd")

# Live quote for 50 Bitcoins
calculator <- get_orderbook_calculator("btcusd", amount = 50)

# Asset information
df_assets <- get_assets()
asset_btc <- get_assets("btc")

# Information on pairs of currencies
df_pairs <- get_pairs()
pair_btcusd <- get_pairs("btcusd")

# Information on crypto exchanges
df_exchanges <- get_exchanges()
exchange_kraken <- get_exchanges("kraken")


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This R package is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

See here for further information.


An API wrapper for Cryptowatch written in R. Prices and other information on cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges can be retrieved.








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