Releases: lpsm-dev/wsl-dev-setup
Releases · lpsm-dev/wsl-dev-setup
1.0.0 (2021-01-06)
- adding config folder and other things (21cc0c7)
- adding gem file (e974725)
- adding git attributes (497db0a)
- adding gitleaks config file (76db90e)
- adding python install (c064959)
- adding ssh config and script (9fb0f0a)
- adding wp config, global, env and generic credential in git leaks (34deb1f)
- cloud cli's (2fb293e)
- hashicorp setup packer + terraform + vault (9d6aaa9)
- htop config file (07d4279)
- include .gitconfig in work directory (cc3d68c)
- include alias to lab (eb923f6)
- include gitleaks (8ef9204)
- include golang install and adding welcome message (66d8418)
- include kubectl + helm + kubeval (c45c038)
- include node install (306a250)
- include release scripts in package.json (7f7332b)
- include ruby setup (035029f)
- include setup shell zsh and plugins (5271b15)
- lab install (ca397ce)
- new configurations (12c968d)
- setup bash script and organize them (c1f7664)
- setup bash script and organize them (9b53480)
Bug Fixes
- adding more rules in editorconfig file (aaf668f)
- adding others files in gitattributes (848f72c)
- bashrc file (cade4b8)
- dependencies install (dbd1094)
- files (d1f0c19)
- gitconfig file (a653ee3)
- gitconfig file (cfa37d4)
- gitleaks config file (ca8f1ed)
- golango envs (23dac5a)
- include git-lfs package (f1b9ca0)
- organization files (133d3bf)
- package scripts (01d2694)
- package.json script release (54bfcfa)
- refact files (47c1efb)
- remove git config setup (c0d12cb)
- semantic release config (24c63db)
- setup general functions (47bb84b)
- setup semantic release to github (030ead2)
- small changes (8e4a338)
- small changes (83f4df2)
- small changes (1489eac)
- src folder name (a66305c)
- ssh bash script (b89537a)
- support files (9485072)
- adding dotenv files and config files (c96e047)
- adding editorconfig and change other files (4e3984a)
- change readme description (eff9e9b)
- fix markdown lint (28a5162)
- include description link (11f05ab)
- include github cli install (a948a17)
- include package documentation (ea5939e)
- increment readme with more information (2e5e17d)
- install ruby and python (bbc592c)
- new links (316704f)
- pretty readme (dcad10c)
- remove install krew (db54183)