The customer owns a large number of production premises and plans to lease the space of these premises for the placement of technological equipment. In the context of this, there was a need for a service that would allow administer contracts for the placement of equipment in the premises.
git clone
cd Smart.RentService
docker compose up
That's it :) It will locally start your API and MS SQL Server
DB Connection:;Database=Rent;User=serveradmin;Password=StrongDatabasePassword123@;
After successful service startup navigate to local SwaggerUI:
For authorization use key from appSettings.json (feel free to change it):
"ApiKey": "b291631a-17af-4af7-8bf0-02f79b5c2524"
If you want to play with your own DB simply replace connection string:
"ConnectionStrings": {
Enjoy using API!
- Src
- WebAPI
- ApiController
- Authorization FIlter
- Exception Handling Middleware
- Some services registration
- SwaggerUI setups
- Infrastructure
- DbContext
- Entity Models Configurations
- DbInitialiser (for seed purposes)
- Interceptors
- Migrations
- SharedKernel
- Repository interfaces
- Entity Base classes
- Core
- Entities
Domain events etcnot yet :)
- Application
- Common exceptions
- Validation and Exception Pipelines
- Commands and Queries
- Specifications
- WebAPI
- Tests
- Application Unit Tests