- React in Typescript and Sass, using create-react-app
- AWS Gateway API, AWS Lambda using container images, and MongoDB Atlas
- dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- ms-vscode.atom-keybindings
- ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
- Node.js v14.15.0
- Yarn v1.22.5
- (Optional) Docker Desktop
In root project directory:
yarn install
to server and client directories in separate terminals:
First run the server and then the client.
yarn dev
- Server is running on localhost:8080
- Client is running on localhost:3000
- Go to http://localhost:8080/ingredients?query=escargot to test the server
- For multiple queries, separate parameters by a semi-colon http://localhost:8080/ingredients?query=beef;carrots
- Available ingredients on test server:
['apple', 'beef', 'carrots', 'duck', 'escargot', 'fudge', 'grapes', 'ham', 'ice cream', 'jalapenos', 'kale', 'linguine', 'mozzarella cheese', 'nutmeg', 'octopus', 'pineapple', 'quail', 'radish', 'salmon', 'tiger shrimp', 'udon noodles', 'vodka', 'whiskey', 'xanthan gum', 'yam', 'zucchini']
- If first time running server, it will download mongodb binaries in node_modules/.cache, which is about 250mb
- Install JSON Formatter chrome extension for more readable results
yarn build
to server/- run
yarn stage
Dataset from Shuyang Li