Releases: lwa-project/lsl
Releases · lwa-project/lsl
LSL 3.0.5. Changes Include:
- Fixed DRX8 CI8 support
- Re-enabled DRX8 file detection for lsl.reader.ldp.LWANADataFile
- Updated to work with DRX8 files as well
LSL 3.0.4. Changes Include:
- Added support for OVRO-LWA in IDFs
- Reduced the number of "Cannot download file ..." warning when importing lsl
- Cleaned up uniform and Briggs weighting in the lsl.imaging.utils.ImgWPlus class
- Added missing DRX8 methods to lsl.reader.buffer and lsl.reader.ldp
- Updated lsl.correlator._core.XEngine[23] to work with CI8 data
- Moved drxSpectra, tbfSpectra, and correlateTBF over to use CI8 loading by default
- Improved performance of the TBF reader
- Updated the README and installation notes to say that you need a C++ compiler with C++11 support
LSL 3.0.3. Changes Include:
- Fixed a problem with applying station dynamic metadata to a LWAStation object
- Make the GloTEC model downloads more granular to help with data transfer sizes
- Compress the GloTEC model after download to reduce disk usage
- Fixed a problem separating TBF from DRX data in the era of multiple TBF flavors
- Fixed a problem identifying COR data in the era of multiple COR flavors
LSL 3.0.2. Changes Include:
- Enabled caching in lsl.sim.beam to reduce the number of times a model is loaded
- Updated lsl.common.data_access to request file be gzip compressed when downloaded
- Refactored lsl.common.data_access to expose the internal downloader function
- Added better warnings/error messages to lsl.misc.file_cache and lsl.misc.file_lock to help debug stuck locks
- Updated lsl.common.idf to default to using all (full + mini) stations
- Fixed the units on the final report of a DownloadBar run
- Worked on improving the performance of "return_ci8=True" in lsl.reader.ldp
LSL 3.0.1. Changes Include:
- Fixed a problem with lsl.sim.beam.beam_response/mueller_matrix when scalar azimuth/altitude are provided
- Fixed a problem with lsl.sim.beam.beam_response/mueller_matrix returning NaNa for 'empirical' and 'llfss'
- Updated FrameTimestamp.float to strictly return a float
- Fixed a timestamp problem in lsl.reader.vdif related to tracking leap seconds since the reference epoch
LSL 3.0.0. Changes include:
- Switch to the GNU scientific library for internal Bessel functions
- Fixed an undefined variable error in lsl.statistics.robust.polyfit
- Fixed a division error in lsl.misc.mathutils.sphfit when real_only=True
- Switched to a "download on demand and cache" method of distributing data for LSL
- Added a lsl.common.stations.ARX.revision() method to find the revision name for an ARX board
- Added a new lsl.sim.beam module to find the dipole antenna response
- Updated the telemetry client to also send the Python version (major.minor)
- Dropped support for Python 2.7 and <3.8
- Switched over to astropy for most internal astronomical calculations
- Added astropy compatibility hooks for many LSL classes
- Moved from multiprocessing to concurrent.futures for multi-processing support
- Switched to multi-phase initialization for C++ extensions
- Merged ARX response files into single file per board to reduce number of data files
- Moved lsl.common.mcs value lookup functions over to enum.Enum classes
- Updated the lsl.writer.fitsidi to write antenna coordinates in the ECEF frame
- Changed 'elevation' to 'azimuth' in cases where it reference the angle above the horizon
- Updated the ImgWPlus class to have a 'wcs' attribute to help with mapping image to world coordinates
- Moved lsl.imaging.utils and lsl.imaging.overlays to using ImgWPlus instances for image to world coordinate mapping
- Added the Fermi 3FGL, 4FGL, and 4FGL-DR4 catalogs
- Updated many functions to be flexible with angle inputs so that accept float, astropy Angle or ephem Angle instances
- Fixed how lsl.reader.vdif and lsl.writer.vdif deal with non-zero reference epochs
- Added support for LWA-NA and other NDP-based stations
- Changed lsl.common.metabundle into a general module that can work with metadata from any station
- Added a DRX8 reader for future data format support
- Updated to make it more useful
- Dropped the 'indicies' keyword from lsl.correlator.uvutils
- Added support for the (experimental) GloTEC ionosphere model
LSL 2.2.0. Changes include:
- Add a keyword to lsl.imaging.selfcal functions that will return whether or not a call converged
- Made lsl.readers.buffer.TBFFrameBuffer more robust
- Fixed reference counting in lsl.imaging._gridder
- Moved data used for unit tests from lsl/data to tests/data to keep them out of the install
- Various cleanups to internal regular expressions
- Changed the file downloaders to only show progress for interactive sessions
- Updated to works with the current version of LSL
- Removed aipy code in lsl.sim.vis in favor of direct calls to aipy
- Added support to the lsl.readers for returning DRX, TBN, and TBF data as "ci8" data
- Added support to the lsl.readers for returning VDIF data as "i8" data
LSL 2.1.7. Changes include:
- Added polarization basis conversions functions to lsl.imaging.utils
- Improved TBF frame count reliability
- Fixed several bugs in lsl.sim.dp.point_source() that lead to data that would not image properly
- Dropped unlzw in favor of using the gzip utility
- Made antenna inclusion/exclusion more robust in
- Added support for "long (ionospheric) product names"
- Updated the Hamming window coefficients
- Switched the PFB in lsl.correlator.fx to a Hamming window
- Updated the documentation in lsl.correlator.fx to clarify that 'pfb' enables a 4-tap Hamming windowed PFB
- Updated the documentation in lsl.correlator.fx to clarify that 'pfb' overrides the 'window' keyword
- Added better documentation on the LWA data formats
- Fixed a bug in lsl.reader.ldp.TBFFile that caused it to die on files with gaps in the frequency coverage
- Updated lsl.imaging.util.build_gridded_image to allow for the image size and pixel size to be used instead of the (u,v) grid size and resolution (@ctaylor-physics)
- Added image size and pixel scale options to (@ctaylor-physics)
- Added a -d/--decimation option to to allow on-the-fly channel decimation
- Fixed a bug in lsl.sim.vis.build_sim_data when computing the hour angle and declination for non-zenith phase centers
- Added support for Python 3.12
LSL 2.1.7. Changes include:
- Updated the LWA-SV SSMIF to 2022/11/15
- Updated the LWA1 SSMIF to 2022/11/15
- Fixed a build problem on Python 3.8+