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A place for people new to Clojure and new to web apps to learn how Clojure web apps work. I — Alex — made it — with much help from Jason — because I wanted to really get it. But I like to share. So.


I intend this as a kata — for me — to repeat until it's second nature. You play how you want. :)

I'll describe the steps as best I can. If you decide to follow these steps, and you get stuck, I'll try and help. You'll find us at @hellomaitria or [email protected].

And look. Somebody will say it's too basic. Somebody else will get lost. My intent was to make it as accessible as possible. If it's too slow/easy for you, go read some docs. <3

The steps

  1. Setup - Installing Java, Clojure, & Leiningen
  2. Create a new project
  3. Put it in Github
  4. Serve web pages locally
  5. Create a web server
  6. Deploy the app

(Fun with Clojure to come later, maybe)
7. Add styling to the html
8. Extract stuff to new files

1. Setup


Install Java (JDK, not JRE) from here:

(JDK is the development kid. JRE is the runtime environment. If that doesn't make sense, ignore it.)


Instructions for installing Clojure are here:


Four steps for installing leiningen are at

Don't forget, if you get stuck, it's not you, it's the instructions. Ask for help if you need it.

2. Create a new project

In the directory where you put projects, do this:

(Note that $ is the prompt. Don't type that part.)

$ lein new project_name
$ cd project_name

(You can call it project_name if you want. I'm figuring you'll pick something else.)

Check for success: Run $ lein test. You should see a failing test. (Leiningen comes with one.)

3. Put it in Github

This is a reminder of the steps, but it assumes you have a Github account and know basically how to use it.

In your project_name directory

$ git init  
$ git add -A   
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"  

Go to Github in your browser. Create a repo. Get the url_for_your_repo

$ git remote add origin url_for_your_repo
$ git push -u origin master

Check for success: See your stuff on Github.

4. Serve web pages locally

Ring is what lets you talk to the web without a huge hassle. It's our only dependency. No fancy frameworks for this learning project. Leiningen is going to download your dependencies for you, so you don't need to install or anything.

Open project.clj in your favorite editor to add the Ring dependency. Find the (defproject ...) function*, and add:

:dependencies [[ring/ring-core "x.x.x"]] where x.x.x is the current version (Today it's "1.4.0"). If there's already a dependency, just add the ring part.

(* Jason says this is a "form", not a "function", which is surely important. But I left the word function because if you're new to Clojure, it might help. Or not. I dunno.)

Also add the lein-ring plugin.

:plugins [[lein-ring "x.x.x"]] (Today the version is "0.9.6")

Checkpoint Check how that went by doing

$ lein deps

This downloads dependencies. It's optional, because that happens all the time, but it will tell you if you're okay so far. If things are whack, and you're new to Clojure like me, go squint at your parentheses and your curly braces. That's probably it.

Now you get to edit core.clj to give it a page handler. This is the key to happiness. It's the function that will respond to requests from a browser to serve a web page. (Ring receives the request from a browser, and uses the page handler you specify to figure out what to give the browser in response.)

From your project_name directory, you'll find core.clj in src/project_name. Oddly (to me), project_name occures in several places.

(defn page-handler
  {:body "Hello, World."})

Now edit project.clj again, to tell ring what we named our page-handler. Add a line to (defproject ...)

:ring {:handler project-name.core/page-handler}

You did it. Now run

lein ring server

Check for success: If it doesn't open a browser for you, the terminal window will tell you "started on port xxxx" (mine is 3000). Browse to localhost:3000 (or whatever) and you should see your Hello, World.

5. Create a web server!

I thought this would be scary. But Jason said it was worth learning, instead of using hosting that does this part for you. I did it, so you can do it.

These instructions use Digital Ocean. It's easy to sign up. What you get is the ability to spin up a server that basically behaves like a linux box somewhere. Maybe it is. I dunno. (Here are some basic linux commands like how to change directories.)

If it's your first time using Digital Ocean, you'll need to give it your public ssh key. If you have one from using Github, you'll find it ~/.ssh/ Or you can Google for how to make a new one.

Now create a "droplet" (that's the linux box). The only options you need to choose are 1. Ubuntu and 2. that it should use your ssh key.

Once you've done that, get the ip_address for your new server.

$ ssh root@ip_address (Note, replace ip_address with the IP address.)

Checkpoint: You're in! Right?

$ apt search tomcat

Today, the most recent is tomcat7

$ apt-get install tomcat7

Checkpoint: In your browser, go to the http://ip_address:8080/. You should see some kind of default page there.

But we don't want to have to specify :8080. Here's how you change that.

$ apt-get install authbind
$ touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
$ chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/80
$ chown tomcat7 /etc/authbind/byport/80

(If you don't know what touch, chmod & chown are, now would be a good time to Google them.)

Now edit /etc/default/tomcat7 and find where it says AUTHBIND=. Uncomment it and set it to YES. And edit /etc/tomcat7/server.xml. See where it says <Connector port=8080> or some such? Change that to 80. 80 is the default port.

My notes at this point say "This might come in handy."

$ service tomcat7 restart

I'm guessing I meant that this is a good time to restart tomcat.

So now...

Check for success: View the default page at your IP address, without specifying a port.

6. Deploy your app

$ ssh root@ip_address

Remove the directory /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT

$ exit (back on your own machine now)

$ lein ring uberwar

It will tell you what it created and where. I'm calling it path/something-STANDALONE.war. Replace that with your info.

$ scp path/something-STANDALONE.war root@ip_address:/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT.war

Check for success: View your "Hello, World" on the web at your IP address.


Copyright © 2015 Maitria

License: You can use this to learn along with me! You can also share and modify (eg. fork) it. You agree we're not liable if you are harmed somehow by your use of this. You agree not to sell it or use it in your profit-making endeavor without permission. And you agree not to do anything with it that would cause harm to us or Maitria. That's all I got.


A place to learn how Clojure web apps work.







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