Simple When Rule Construction
A simple way to dynamically create when rules - A great example how to use the new Function instead of the 'evil' eval.
Simplicity is elegance.
What we need is a descriptive way to tag Biz(i)ness Rules and catalog, inventory, usage, and change rules dynamically. Javascript provides a simple way of dynamically creating functions on the fly.
Prime directives, and ables ...
- Easy to understand the code
- Thin
- Self-documenting
- Pattern - not an enforcement
- Crazy fast
- Secure from XXS
- Mocha.js for for test infecting the code (good infection)
- Validations
- Calculations
- Automated business rules - decision engine
- Home security, sprinkler systems, and darn maybe your car...
- Repository of rules
- Traceability
- Modify the rule not the code
- Dynamic changeability - conditions change so do the execution
- Easy to understand and modify
- Extensible
- Maintainable
- Reusable
- Chainable
- Micro foot print and scalable
//Example Setup
var when = {
isPerson: "return object.isPerson === true //Comment - Yes you can",
hasLicense: "return object.license === true //Comment",
isPersonAndHasLicense: "return when['isPerson'](object) && when['hasLicense'](object)",
payTax: "return object.payTax === true",
doHula: "return when['isPerson'](object) && when['hasLicense'](object) && when['payTax'](object)"
var calculate = {
adder: "return object.a + object.b //Comment",
calculateTax: "return object.amount * 1.8",
addTax: "if (when['payTax'](object)) {return calculate['calculateTax'](object)}; return 0",
mutate: "object.tada = 'hello Moto'; return true"
//Describe Decision Table
var decisionTable = {
calcNumber: [["return when['isPerson'](object)", "return calculate['adder'](object)", "return true"],
["return when['isPerson'](object)", "return calculate['calculateTax'](object)", "return true"],
["return when['isPerson'](object)", "return calculate['calculateTax'](object)", "return true"]
Notice: functions stored as strings. These strings will be translated via the new Function operation

//Create When Condtion functions
function loadwhenConditions(when) {
//Convert key[value] into real functions
for (var key in when) {
when[key] = new Function('object', 'when', 'calculate', when[key]);
//Create Calculation functions
function loadCalcualtions(calculate) {
//Convert key[value] into real functions
for (var key in calculate) {
calculate[key] = new Function('object', 'when', 'calculate', calculate[key]);
var person = {isPerson: true, license: true, a: 5, b: 10, amount: 500, payTax: true};
console.log("isPerson:" + rules.when('isPerson', person));
console.log("hasLicense:" + rules.when('hasLicense', person));
console.log("adder:" + rules.calculate('adder', person));
console.log("addTax:" + rules.calculate("addTax", person));
console.log("isPersonAndHasLicense:" + rules.when('isPersonAndHasLicense', person));
console.log("decisiontable result:" + rules.decisionTable('calcNumber', person));
console.log("doHula:" + rules.when('doHula',person));
// From couchDB
var input = {
id: "tax",
state: "tx",
rate: 7.15,
shows: {
adder: "function(input) {return input.rate * input.value;}",
detail: "function(detail){ alert(detail) }"
// Construct function with Closure
var fullFunction = "(function () {var counter = 0; return " + input.shows.adder + "})()";
// Construct function
var ad = eval(fullFunction);
var input = {rate:input.rate, value : 10000}
// "a thought" create JS Objects stringify load into CouchDB
function objToString(obj, ndeep) {
switch(typeof obj){
case "string": return '"'+obj+'"';
case "function": return || obj.toString();
case "object":
var indent = Array(ndeep||1).join('\t'), isArray = Array.isArray(obj);
return ('{['[+isArray] + Object.keys(obj).map(function(key){
return '\n\t' + indent +(isArray?'': key + ': ' )+ objToString(obj[key], (ndeep||1)+1);
}).join(',') + '\n' + indent + '}]'[+isArray]).replace(/[\s\t\n]+(?=(?:[^\'"]*[\'"][^\'"]*[\'"])*[^\'"]*$)/g,'');
default: return obj.toString();
var test = {fx: function(a, b) {return a*b}};
mocha ./lib/test
Key: BRE, Decision Table, When, Calculation, BPM Business Process Management