released this
12 Mar 20:28
5 commits
to b1536d1a7c2a007a576a1f00c0ba9b4f7f3157a5
since this release
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where symbols flickered when zooming out. #16
- Fixes crash caused by NullPointerException MapKeyListener #464, cherry picked from #466
- Fixed an issue where GPS puck keeps previous value when enabled. [#462]mapbox/mapbox-gl-native-android#462, cherry picked from #470
- Not changing location camera mode while disabled. #24
- Symbol layer flickering after zooming out. #16
- Avoid throwing null pointer exception on slow initialization #22
- mapbox-gl-js submodule has been replaced with maplibre-gl-js
- Removed Telemetry #7