A random list of useful keyboard shortcuts for different applications/operating systems.
Search all files in workspace for text -
cmd shift f
Toggle sidebar -
cmd b
Open file on right side -
cmd \
Switch focus between editors (ordered by number) -
cmd <number>
Switch tab within an editor (ordered by number) -
ctrl <number>
Toggles right editor(s) between horizontal/vertical mode (must have more than 1 open) -
cmd option 0
Switch tab forward/backward -
cmd option <right arrow>/<left arrow>
Search for files to open (opens in focused editor if have multiple open) -
cmd p
Moves the currently editor left/right -
cmd k <left arrow>/<right arrow>
Open file in "keep it open" mode -
double click on a file in sidebar
Switch between tabs in focused window -
ctrl tab
Open Command Palette -
cmd shift p
Rename variable in file -
click on a variable then press f2
Place multiple cursors -
option click
(press escape to cancel) -
Open new editor (but without any file opened). The number must be +1 current number of editors opened -
cmd <number>
List out every symbol in the code -
@ in Command Palette
orcontrol shift .
(this view is better) -
Find a symbol (e.g. function name) across project -
# <symbol name> in Command Palette
(also e.g. type "NAR" to find "NextApiRequest", useful for long class names, works for all camel cased words). -
Go to Symbol in File -
cmd shift o
Show All Commands -
cmd shift p
Quick Fix -
cmd .
Open a new window -
cmd shift n
Delete autosuggested result in search bar -
shift fn delete
Open Bookmark Manager -
cmd option b
Open Downloads -
cmd option l
Place focus on address bar -
cmd l
Navigate backward/forward -
cmd [
andcmd ]
orcmd <left arrow>/<right arrow>
Change tab backward/forward
cmd option <left arrow>/<right arrow>
Toggle bookmark bar -
cmd shift b
Bookmark current tab -
cmd d
Bookmark all tabs -
cmd shift d
Navigate to next tab -
ctrl tab
oroption cmd <right arrow>
Navigate to previous tab -
ctrl shift tab
oroption cmd <left arrow>
Close current tab -
cmd w
Close all tabs in window -
cmd shift w
Opens last tab (or window) you closed -
cmd shift t
Search current file for text -
cmd f
Open Settings -
cmd ,
(works in most MacOS apps) -
Open Print -
cmd p
Search tabs -
cmd shift a
Go back/forward one word at a time when typing -
option right/left arrow
Show/hide hidden files and folders in finder -
cmd shift .
Delete prevous word -
option backspace
Delete everything before cursor -
cmd backsapce
Forward character delete -
FN backspace
Three finger swipe-up (custom keybinding) -
option s
- Maximize -
ctrl option return
- Shrink window -
ctrl option backspace
- Move to left/right side -
ctrl option <left arrow>/<right arrow>
- Move to left 1/3 -
ctrl option d
- Move to middle 1/3 -
ctrl option f
- Move to right 1/3 -
ctr option g
- Move to last 2/3 -
ctrl option t
- Move to first 2/3 -
ctrl option e
- Maximize -
- Alfred Hotkey -
cmd space
- Search on YouTube -
yt <query>
- Search on Google -
g <query>
- Search on Google Drive -
dr <query>
- Open Google Drive -
- Open Gmail Inbox
- Open my GitHub repos -
- Open ChatGPT -
- Open Claude -
- Query Google Translate -
translate <query>
- Open clipboard history (also configured to show snippets) -
option cmd c
- Open Useful Commands Google Doc file -
- Open useful-keyboard-shortcuts GitHub page -
- Run command in terminal (customized to launch new iTerm2 tab) -
> <command>
- Define word -
define <word>
- Spell word (autocomplete) -
spell <word>
- Alfred Hotkey -
In general, d will delete from current position to ending position after . This means that:
will delete current and left characterd$
will delete from current position to end of lined^
will delete from current backward to first non-white-space characterd0
will delete from current backward to beginning of linedw
deletes current to end of current word (including trailing space)db
deletes current to beginning of current word- Read this to learn all the things you can combine with the 'd' command.
Global search and replace -
- Open Quick switcher -
Cmd + k