This framework is a frontend framework based on:
- HTML5 Boilerplate - v4.3.0
- Bootstrap - v3.0.3
- SCSS principles and splited layout/scss subfiles
- Hammer Template feature which helps creating html files out of multiple assets via @include rule
Furthermore and quite more important your own css is based on SCSS.
What does that mean in detail?
- 1 scss file which creates 1 css file (style.scss -> style.css)
- in there, a common structure gets imported which contains an index,a variables file which gets divided into various subfiles (named after the variables group) again to have a better overview as well as most common elements (subfiles again)
Last but not least it makes use of the Hammer's Templating feature which helps creating html files out of multiple assets via the @include rule
What does that mean in detail?
- 1 html file consists out of many @include snippets
- in there all specified include documents get implemented and build a complete html file
- Hammer outputs all compiled files in an specific Build folder
- You want to build a project based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap
- You want your own css code to make use of scss
- You want to use Hammer for Mac to make use of easy creation of new html documents
Requires Sass 3.2
The framework is incredibly easy to get up and running (provided you’re all set for Sass). Simply download the latest version of the framework from right here on GitHub, unpack the zip file and watch the scss folder.
You can watch the file by cd
ing into the directory that houses the .scss
and running the following:
$ sass --watch style.scss:style.min.css --style compressed
Alternatively you can just drag and drop the folder containing the project right into Codekit for Mac or Hammer for Mac and the rest gets done automatically...
That’s it, your project is now set up.
Now it is time for you to add your styles into the specific scss splits.
Most common used css groups are added as scss files and indexed already.
The following parts are imported:
- Index - overview of the css layout
- Variables - collection of variables which are accessible throughout the project
- Styles - basically these are the style splits/groups where you write your code
This file contains the index of all the scss subfiles
Index - Stylesheet: style.css
0. Variables
1. Mixins
2. Helper Classes
3. Global (body, page sructure)
4. Header
5. Navigation
6. Pagination
7. Breadcrumb
8. Images
9. Media
10. Buttons
11. Lists
12. Forms
13. Links
14. Tables
15. Selectors
\* Generic helper classes and project mixins.
@import "generic/mixins";
@import "generic/helper";
\* Includes all the various parts
@import "parts/global";
@import "parts/header";
@import "parts/navigation";
@import "parts/pagination";
@import "parts/breadcrumb";
@import "parts/images";
@import "parts/media";
@import "parts/buttons";
@import "parts/lists";
@import "parts/forms";
@import "parts/links";
@import "parts/tables";
Logically imports all specific html parts into the document at its respective place
The following files are being imported:
<!-- @include "include/_pre_header.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_header_css.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_header_js.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_header_msc.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_body_begin.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_nav.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_footer.html" -->
<!-- @include "include/_body_end.html" -->
Each of them contains content which should be the same on each file/page you create so that you can just rename the index.kit to the page you want to create...
Currently the files are filled with boilerplate best practice code based on the provided index.html file which comes with the standard installation of boilerplate
Due to the fact the framework is based on Bootstrap and Boilerplate the Credits goes the the creators:
And probably more…