This compiler was built for a compiler construction course during my studies at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) back in 2011.
I hope that someone else finds this project interesting and useful. I have learned lots from this project (just one compiler among many). Much can, of course, be further improved and learnt from this project.
This repository contains the original source code with very small modifications. It might not be the latest version but it is at least functional.
The documentation will be elaborated on shortly.
- Written in C#.
- Targets .NET 4.0 Client Profile
- Generates modules and functions that can be executed.
- Code design and structure is inspired by the Mono C# and Small Basic compilers.
- Expression parser logic is inspired from the IronPython compiler.
- Partial implementation of object-oriented concepts: classes, modules and namespaces.
- Error messages that highlights faulty lines of code with colorization.
Run the Test project.