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This program is used to convert images to particular color formats and source includes. It primarily is used for the TI-84+CE and related calculator series, however can be used as a standalone program.

Command Line Help

    convimg [options]

Optional options:
    -i, --input <yaml file>  Input file, format is described below.
    -n, --new                Create a new template YAML file.
    -h, --help               Show this screen.
    -v, --version            Show program version.
    -c, --clean              Deletes files listed in 'convimg.out' and exits.
    -l, --log-level <level>  Set program logging level:
                             0=none, 1=error, 2=warning, 3=normal
Optional icon options:
    --icon <file>            Create an icon for use by shell.
    --icon-description <txt> Specify icon/program description.
    --icon-format <fmt>      Specify icon format, 'ice' or 'asm'.
    --icon-output <output>   Specify icon output filename.

YAML File Format:

    A YAML file is a human-readable text file that is used by this program
    to create palettes, convert images, and output the results to a supported
    format. A palette is a list of colors that an image or group of images uses.
    This saves memory by having a fixed number of colors rather than storing
    a color for every pixel in the image.

    The YAML file consists of three key components: palette generation, image
    conversion, and output formatting. These components are broken down into
    different sections of a YAML file, shown below:

          - name: mypalette           : Palette and name of palette
            images: automatic         : Automatically get list of images

          - name: myimages            : Convert images section
            palette: mypalette        : Use the above generated palette
            images:                   : List of input images
              - image1.png
              - image2.png
              - image3.png

        outputs:                      : List of outputs
          - type: c                   : Sets the output format to C
            include-file: gfx.h       : File name containing all images/palettes
            palettes:                 : Start of palettes list in the output
              - mypalette             : Name of each palette, separated by line
            converts:                 : Converted sections, based on name
              - myimages              : Name of each convert section

To create the above template, use the '--new' command line option.
By default 'convimg.yaml' in the same directory the program is executed
will be used for conversion - this can be overriden with the -i flag.
The following describes each section of the YAML file in more detail, and
the available options for conversion.


    The YAML palettes section constists of a list of different palettes to be
    generated. List entires start with the name of the palette to create.

     - name: <palette name>       : Name of palette. This is used by the
                                  : convert blocks for detecting which
                                  : palette to use, as well as the name
                                  : used in the output code files.
                                  : Required parameter.

       max-entries: <num>         : Number of maximum colors available
                                  : in the palette. Range is 2-256.
                                  : Default is 256.

       fixed-entries:             : Adds fixed color entries to the
                                  : palette. The format is:
                                  :  fixed-entries:
                                  :    - color: {index: 0, r: 9, g: 10, b: 0}
                                  :    - color: {index: 1, r: 2, g: 83, b: 5}
                                  :    - color: {index: 2, hex: "#945D3A"}
                                  :    - color: {index: 3, hex: "#C54DCE"}
                                  : Note the spaces between key/value pairs.
                                  : 'index' represents the palette entry
                                  : used for the color, r is the red amount,
                                  : g is the green amound, and b is the blue
                                  : amount of the color. This is often
                                  : called the "rgb" value of a color.
                                  : A quoted "hex" string beginning with '#'
                                  : can also be used instead.
                                  : 'exact' is used to match colors exactly
                                  : to the input color before quantization.
                                  : It is an optional parameter, defaults to
                                  : 'false' but can be 'true'.
                                  : Fixed entries can also be supplied via
                                  : an image, 1 pixel in height (and a
                                  : width <= 256) where each pixel in the
                                  : image represents an entry:
                                  :   fixed-entries:
                                  :     - image: palette.png
                                  : There can be up to 256 fixed entries.
                                  : With the image method, the starting
                                  : index is 0 and increments by 1 moving
                                  : from left to right.

       quality: <value>           : Sets the quality of the generated palette.
                                  : Value range is 1-10, where 1 is the worst
                                  : and 10 is the best. Lower quality may use
                                  : less palette entries.
                                  : Default is 8.

       images: <option>           : A list of images separated by a newline
                                  : and indented with a leading '-'
                                  : character. These images are quantized
                                  : in order to produce a palette that
                                  : best matches with these images.
                                  : <option> can be 'automatic' to
                                  : automatically get the images from the
                                  : convert blocks that are using them,
                                  : without having to specify the images
                                  : twice. Note that common "globbing"
                                  : patterns can be used, such as '*'.


    The YAML converts section constists of a list of different "groups" of
    images to be converted that share similar properties, such as the palette
    used, or the compression mode. The available options are:

     - name: <convert name>       : Name of convert. This is used by the
                                  : outputs for detecting which converted
                                  : images to output.
                                  : Required parameter.

       palette: <palette name>    : Name of palette used to quantize images
                                  : against. This is the name of a palette
                                  : block. Built-in palettes also exist,
                                  : namely 'xlibc' and 'rgb332'.

       palette-offset: <index>    : Converts assuming a palette has
                                  : a different base index.
                                  : Defaults to '0'.

       images:                    : A list of images separated by a newline
                                  : and indented with a leading '-'
                                  : character. These images are quantized
                                  : against the palette.
                                  : Note that common "globbing"
                                  : patterns can be used, such as '*'.

       tilesets:                  : A group of tilesets. There can be only one
                                  : tileset group per conversion block.
                                  : Tilesets are special images consisting of
                                  : multiple "tiles" of fixed width and
                                  : height. The format for this option is:
                                  : tilesets:
                                  :   tile-width: 16
                                  :   tile-height: 16
                                  :   images:
                                  :     - tileset1.png
                                  :     - tileset2.png
                                  : Above, each tileset in the list is
                                  : composed of tiles of a width and height
                                  : of 16 pixels. Tile numbers are determined
                                  : starting from the top left, moving right
                                  : to the bottom-right.
                                  : Optional fields are:
                                  :   'tile-rotate': rotate tiles 90, 180, 270.
                                  :   'tile-flip-x': flip tiles across x axis.
                                  :   'tile-flip-y': flip tiles across y axis.
                                  :   'pointer-table': output tile pointers

       transparent-index: <index> : Transparent color index in the palette
                                  : that represents a transparent color.
                                  : This only is used in two cases!
                                  : When converting 'rlet' images,
                                  : or for assigning pixels in the source
                                  : image that have an alpha channel.
                                  : If the alpha chanel is 0 in an pixel,
                                  : the converted output will be assigned
                                  : this value.
                                  : Generally, you want transparency to be.
                                  : defined as a 'fixed-entry' color in the
                                  : palette instead of using this option.
                                  : Default is '0'.

       style: <mode>              : Style controls the converted format of
                                  : images. In 'palette' mode, converted
                                  : images map 1-1 where each pixel byte
                                  : represents a palette index.
                                  : In 'rlet' mode, the transparent color
                                  : index is used to compress runs of
                                  : transparent colors, essentially reducing
                                  : the output size if there are many
                                  : transparent pixels.
                                  : In 'direct' mode, the color format
                                  : defined by the 'color-format' option
                                  : converts the input image colors to the
                                  : desired format. This may prevent some
                                  : palette-specific options from being used.
                                  : Default is 'palette'.

       color-format: <format>     : In direct style mode, sets the colorspace
                                  : for the converted pixels. The available
                                  : options are 'rgb565', 'bgr565', 'rgb888',
                                  : 'bgr888', and 'rgb1555'.
                                  : Default is 'rgb565'.

       compress: <mode>           : Images can be optionally compressed after
                                  : conversion using modes 'zx0' or 'zx7'.
                                  : The 'zx7' compression time is much faster,
                                  : however 'zx0' usually has better results.

       width-and-height: <bool>   : Optionally control if the width and
                                  : height should be placed in the converted
                                  : image; the first two bytes respectively.
                                  : Default is 'true'

       flip-x: <bool>             : Flip input images vertically across the
                                  : x-axis

       flip-y: <bool>             : Flip input images horizontally across the
                                  : y-axis

       rotate: <degrees>          : Rotate input images 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees

       bpp: <bits-per-pixel>      : Map input pixels to number of output bits.
                                  : Available options are 1, 2, 4, 8.
                                  : For example, a value of 2 means that 1 pixel
                                  : in the input image maps to 2 bits of output.
                                  : The palette option 'max-entries' should be
                                  : used to limit the palette size for this
                                  : option to ensure correct quantization.
                                  : Default is '8'.

       omit-indices: [<list>]     : Omits the specified palette indices
                                  : from the converted image. May be useful
                                  : by a custom drawing routine. A comma
                                  : separated list in [] should be provided.

       prefix: <string>           : Prefixes the output files of this convert
                                  : with a string defined by <string>.

       suffix: <string>           : Suffixes the output files of this convert
                                  : with a string defined by <string>.


    The YAML file outputs section is a list of different "groups" of outputs,
    differing in types or images. The currently available formats are:

     - type: c                    : C source and header files
     - type: asm                  : Assembly and include files
     - type: bin                  : Binary and listing files
     - type: basic                : Single string formatted file
     - type: appvar               : TI archived AppVar format

    The different options available for outputs are:

       include-file: <file>       : Output file containing all the graphics
                                  : Defaults to "gfx.h", "",
                                  : "bin.txt", and "basic.txt" for C, Asm,
                                  : Binary, and BASIC formats respectively.

       palettes:                  : A list of generated palettes, separated
                                  : by a newline and indented with the '-'
                                  : character.

       converts:                  : A list of convert sections, separated
                                  : by a newline and indented with the '-'
                                  : character.

       directory: <directory>     : Supply the name of the output directory.
                                  : Defaults to the current directory.

       prepend-palette-sizes:     : Prepend the palette with a 2-byte
           <bool>                 : entry containing the total size in
                                  : bytes of the palette.
                                  : Default is 'false'.

       const: <bool>              : Only applicable to C outputs.
                                  : Adds the 'const' parameter to output types.
                                  : Default is 'false'.

   AppVars are a special type of output and require a few more options.
   The below options are only available for AppVars, however the above
   options can also be used.

       name: <appvar name>        : Name of AppVar, maximum 8 characters.
                                  : Required parameter.

       source-format: <format>    : Source files to create to access
                                  : image and palette data. format can be
                                  : 'c', 'ice', 'asm', or 'none'.
                                  : Default is 'none'.

       source-init: <bool>        : Whether to output AppVar initialization
                                  : code for loading and setting up image
                                  : and palette pointers. Default is 'true'
                                  : Only compatible with source-format: 'c'.

       lut-entries: <bool>        : Embeddeds a lookup table (LUT) for
                                  : determining the image offsets in the
                                  : appvar. Format consists of an entry
                                  : containing the table size, followed by
                                  : the LUT entries. Entry sizes are
                                  : controlled via the parameter
                                  : 'lut-entry-size'. Default is 'false'.

       lut-entry-size: <int>      : Controls the size of LUT entries. Can be
                                  : '2' for 2-byte or '3' for 3-byte entries.
                                  : Default is '3'.

       compress: <mode>           : Compress AppVar data.
                                  : Available 'mode's: 'zx0', 'zx7'.
                                  : The AppVar then needs to be decompressed
                                  : to access image and palette data.
                                  : Optional parameter.

       header-string: <string>    : Prepends <string> to the start of the
                                  : AppVar's data.
                                  : Use double quotes to properly interpret
                                  : escape sequences.

       archived: <bool>           : 'true' makes the AppVar archived, while
                                  : 'false' leaves it unarchived.
                                  : Default is 'false'.

       comment: <string>          : AppVar 8xv comment section string


    (c) 2017-2025 by Matt "MateoConLechuga" Waltz.

    This program utilizes the following libraries:
        libimagequant: (c) 2009-2022 by Kornel Lesiński.
        libyaml: (c) 2006-2022 by Ingy döt Net & Kirill Simonov.
        stb: (c) 2017 by Sean Barrett.
        zx0,zx7: (c) 2012-2022 by Einar Saukas.