Monitor alfresco caches making it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of cache tuning operations.
every 1000 get or put on a cache it logs
- cache name
- cache size
- cache capacity
- cache hit ratio logs cache evictions
Alfresco >= 4.2.c using local caches, which means it's not running in cluster mode. In this case Alfresco is using google implementation of ConcurrentLinkedHashMap for it's caches.
build with mvn clean package copy compiled classes to a corresponding path within alfresco/WEB-INF/classes (currently the two .class must be copied to alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/org/alfresco/repo/cache) in your log4j conf put a line like this
remove the .class files
The code covers my current bare necessities but it could be nice to
- make it a bean to monitor using jmx
- allow the caches to be resized at runtime feel free to push and pull!!!