AlleghenyRiverStatus is a BitBar plugin intended for rowers and paddlers in Pittsburgh that displays current flow rate and temperature of the Allegheny River, and determines the corresponding safety zone and rules for crews rowing out of Three Rivers Rowing Association.
- Temperature is retrieved from the Acmetonia station
- Flow is retrieved from the Natrona station
- Boathouse has switched to using the Sharpsburg station below the dam near 62nd street, will switch or display both & prioritize Sharpsburg in next version
- Daylight (sunrise/sunset), Wind, & Storm conditions are not fetched but are safety matrix features
- Safety Matrix notes are based on 2015 version
currently does not fail gracefully when internet connection falters or the XML requests take too longfixed!- possible future features: daily/weekly graph of values, + displayed prediction
- Switch flow station to Sharpsburg
- Add zone digit in menu bar
- Update safety matrix to 2017 revisions
- Add option for Fahrenheit temperatures (for non-metric luddites)
- Add wind speed & direction from OpenWeather
- Add sunrise & sunset times/indicator and use in zone determination, use API
- Condense advisory text to categories {boats, coaches, equipment, notes}
- (maybe) include plot of recent temp+flow