A lot of guys were giving us feedback that mpesa-stk gem is not working.
Without the specifics of what exactly failed during integration with a Rails or Sinatra application, it is difficult to offer help.
We therefore saw it necessary to build a sample application to show folks that it works and have an app that one can follow/fork and reuse 😃
This will hopefully also facilitate specific/more detailed enquiries 😜
This is a simple Rails app with the mpesa stk integrated.
- You can test it here
- Just enter an amount(minimum of Ksh.5), and your phone number.
- You will be prompted to enter your m-pesa pin number on your phone.
- Do not worry this is just an M-pesa sandbox transaction and your money will be refunded back to your m-pesa account by midnight 👊
If you want to reuse or contribute, fork the repo and clone locally.
Then run,
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create db:migrate
If you encounter an error NoDatabaseError
while setting up the database add username: postgres
in config/database.yml
You need a .env
file for the requests to work locally.
Essentials in the .env file
You can generate key
and secret
in your daraja dev account
and business_passkey
can be found in the Test Credentials
As for callback_url
fire up ngrok using $ ./ngrok http 3000
or a tunnelling tool of your choice and use the url.
Make sure the port ngrok is using is the same as the one the rails app is running on.
You will need redis to be running since the gem has a redis dependency. You can configure it to start when launching the app or run sudo service redis start
If you have any queries or complaints open an issue
Happy Hacking ✌️