Loads with a delay all specified less files, then compiles them to css. Do not use in production, compile with nodejs or rhino instead.
- dist/less.min.js downloaded from lesscss
- less_loader.vfc
- less_loader.js
- Create two Static Resources with "text/javascript" attribute and Public cache for less.min.js and less_loader.js
- Create "text/css" Static Resources for each less files you want to use
- Include the VisualForce Component into your page using
<c:less_loader />
- Set up the module's options with an href link to the compiler and your less resources, using $Resource as needed.
window.less_options = { /* must be registered in window object */
compiler: "{!$Resource.less_compiler}", /* Resource link towards the compiler */
files: ["{!$Resource.less_hyx}", "{!$Resource.less_os}"] /* An array of links */