This package contains GoogleAddressFinder, a library for finding real addresses for things from Google via the Google Maps interface. This can be used as a source of test data (e.g. a populator rake task) or any other case where finding street addresses for items is needed.
The latest copy can currently be pulled from the git repository on github.
or via
Note: gem stuff doesn't work yet. Best bet it is to just copy to your app. % sudo gem sources -a # (you only need to do this once) % sudo gem install googleaddressfinder
The intializer for the GoogleAddressFinder class allows four parameters to be passed via an options hash:
:search_term - passed to Google as a source of addresses (default is "mcdonalds") :locations - cities, zips, etc. to get addresses for (default is top 10 cities in U.S.) :per_location - how many addresses to pull from Google for each location (default is 10) :max_hits_per_location - how many times to hit Google looking for addresses (default is 2)
The last parameter above is to prevent slamming Google looking for requests (see To Do below).
finder = finder.load_addresses a = finder.get_random_address # will call load_addresses if needed @all = finder.all_addresses # returns all addresses loaded from Google
To use search for something other than mcdonalds in the default locations, instantiate like this:
finder = => "church", :locations => ['43220','Cincinnati'])
- Author
Mike Doel <mike at mikedoel dot com>
- License
Copyright 2009 by Mike Doel. Released under an MIT-style license. See the LICENSE file included in the distribution.
- Bugs
Report to author via e-mail
- GitHub
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.