- Fast and minimal
- Git branch integration
- Command execution time
- Exit status indicator
- Terminal title support
- Plugin manager support
- Configurable colors and icons
- Path shortening modes
# zinit
zinit light metaory/zsh-roundy-prompt
# antigen
antigen bundle metaory/zsh-roundy-prompt
# zplug
zplug metaory/zsh-roundy-prompt
# vanilla
git clone https://github.com/metaory/zsh-roundy-prompt ~/.zsh/roundy
echo 'source ~/.zsh/roundy/roundy.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
- Unicode support:
echo -e '\ue0b6\ue0b4'
should show rounded separators - Zsh 5.0 or newer
Theme colors and options can be configured in two ways:
- Before sourcing (for plugin managers):
# Set theme colors before loading
typeset -gA RT=(
bg_ok 4 fg_ok 6 icon_ok •
bg_err 1 fg_err 0 icon_err ×
bg_dir 7 fg_dir 13 icon_time ⟳
bg_usr 4 fg_usr 13
bg_git 13 fg_git 7
bg_time 3 fg_time 7
# Then load the theme
zinit light metaory/zsh-roundy-prompt
- After sourcing (for manual installation):
# First source the theme
source ~/.zsh/roundy/roundy.zsh
# Then override colors and options
typeset -gA RT=(...)
Both approaches work, but plugin managers might handle the timing differently. Test which works better for your setup.
# Theme colors (0-15 basic, 0-255 extended, black/red/..., #ff0000)
typeset -gA RT=(
bg_ok 4 fg_ok 6 icon_ok •
bg_err 1 fg_err 0 icon_err ×
bg_dir 7 fg_dir 13 icon_time ⟳
bg_usr 4 fg_usr 13
bg_git 13 fg_git 7
bg_time 3 fg_time 7
# Hex colors example (hexocd theme)
typeset -gA RT=(
bg_ok '#2211AA' fg_ok '#11BB99' icon_ok •
bg_err '#BB1122' fg_err '#110011' icon_err ×
bg_dir '#440099' fg_dir '#FFCCFF' icon_time ⟳
bg_usr '#7766DD' fg_usr '#44DDEE'
bg_git '#CC44BB' fg_git '#110022'
bg_time '#FF9922' fg_time '#220022'
# Options
# Default options and their effects
: ${R_MODE:=dir-only} # Path display mode:
# full - show full path (/home/user/projects)
# short - show shortened path (/h/u/p)
# dir-only - show only current directory (projects)
: ${R_CODE:=0} # Show exit code in right prompt:
# 0 - hide exit code
# 1 - show non-zero exit codes
: ${R_MIN:=4} # Minimum seconds to show execution time:
# 0 - disable time display
# n - show time for commands longer than n seconds
: ${R_USR:=%n} # Username format in prompt:
# %n - username
# %m - hostname
# %n@%m - username@hostname
You can override these in your .zshrc
after sourcing the theme:
source ~/.zsh/roundy/roundy.zsh
R_MODE=full # show full path
R_CODE=1 # show exit codes
R_MIN=2 # show time after 2s
R_USR='%n@%m' # show user@host
The prompt supports three path display modes:
R_MODE=full # /home/user/projects/roundy
R_MODE=short # /h/u/p/roundy
R_MODE=dir-only # roundy
Prompt supports zsh prompt expansion:
# Examples
R_USR="%n" # username
R_USR="%m" # hostname
R_USR="%n@%m" # username@hostname
R_USR="%B%n%b" # bold username
R_USR="%F{1}%n%f" # red username
The time segment shows command execution duration when it exceeds R_MIN
# Examples with R_MIN=4
1d 2h 3m 4s # 93784s
2h 3m 4s # 7384s
3m 4s # 184s
4s # 4s
The time segment is hidden for:
- Commands that run less than
seconds - When
is set to 0
The prompt automatically sets terminal title to:
- Current command while executing
- Current directory when idle