Various Code and Command Snippets.
Click to collapse/fold.
E.g. --> "exempli gratia (Latin)" --> "for example" or "for the sake of example"
-------> Usages: I'll drive a new car, e.g., Lamborghini or Ferrari.
I.e. --> "id est (Latin)" --> "in other words" or "that is (to say)"
-------> Usages: I'll drive that new car, i.e., Lamborghini.
GUI ---> Graphical User Interface.
Output: Text, Window, Menu, Dialogue, Image, Audio, Video, Icon.
Input : Mouse, Keyboard, Voice, Gesture and other HW input.
TUI ---> Text/Terminal User Interface.
Output: Text, Window, Menu, Dialogue.
Input : Mouse, Keyboard.
CLI ---> Command Line Interface i.e. CUI (Console User Interface).
Output: Text.
Input : Keyboard.
IAS - In-App Subscription
IAP - In-App Purchase
BaaS - Backend as a service
BaaS - Banking-as-a-service
CaaS - Container as a service
SaaS - Software as a service
PaaS - Platform as a service
PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products)
MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
AMPPS = Apache, MySQL/MongoDB/SQLite, PHP/Perl/Python and Softaculous (auto-installer) + SQLite, FTP [Cross Platform][Freemium Open-Source]
XAMPP = Apache, MySQL/MariaDB/SQLite and PHP/Pearl + phpMyAdmin + OpenSSL + FTP [Cross Platform][Free Open-Source]
WAMP = Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP + phpMyAdmin + MariaDB + Adminer + PhpSysInfo [Windows][Free]
MAMP = macOS, Apache/Nginx, PHP, Python, Perl or Ruby [macOS and Windows][Freemium Open-Source]
LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, Pearl, Python [Linux OS][Free Open-Source]
PODO (Plain Old Dart Object).
## User Log state form conventions.
Default : "Sign up" == "Register" == "Create an account"
Process : "Signing up" == "Registering" == "Creating an account"
Complete: "Signed up" == "Registered" == "Account created"
Default : "Sign in" == "Log in" == "Sign/Log into app"
Process : "Signing" == "Logging" == "Signing/Logging into app"
Complete: "Signed in" == "Logged in" == "Signed/Logged into app"
Default : "Sign out" == "Log out" == "Sign/Log out from app"
Process : "Signing out" == "Logging out" == "Signing/Logging out from app"
Complete: "Signed out" == "Logged out" == "Signed/Logged out from app"
## User Log state information.
Login/Signin detected/recorded.
Click to collapse/fold.
# Execute a Remote script.
~$ curl -sL | bash -s
~$ wget -qO- | bash -s
# Execute a Remote script with options/parameters/arguments.
~$ curl -sL | bash -s - <place the script's options/parameters/arguments here>
~$ wget -qO- | bash -s - <place the script's options/parameters/arguments here>
Click to collapse/fold.
:: Prints list of semicolon separated paths.
echo %path:;=&echo.%
:: Prints list of semicolon separated paths.
echo %path:;=&echo.%
:: Set the JAVA_HOME variable via the command line
setx /m JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk11.0.17.8"
:: Find path of a command
where java
Click to collapse/fold.
| special | !"#$%&'()*+,- ./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ |
| lower | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz |
| number | 0123456789 |
Click to collapse/fold.
* Type Systems Chart v0.2 *
=========================== Β© Metaspook
| void | Type omitted, value can't be used |
| Never | Throw exception/abort/expression never run |
| +-----------------Reset-Value-----------------+
| Null | No object, 'null' as value |
+ Object | Any T, no instance member and 'null' |
|_ String | String: UTF-16 code or text inside "" or '' |
|_ num | int/double, no instance member |
| |_ int | Numbers: 64-bit Integer |
| |_ double | Num.ers: 64-bit Floating point, int |
|_ bool | Booleans: 'true' and 'false' |
|_ Iterable<T> | List/Set, no instance member +----Element---+
| |_ List <T> | List of [val,ues] | List |
| |_ Set <T> | Set of {unique,values} | Set |
|_ Map <T,T> | Map of {key:value} pairs | Map |
+-Inferrers-+ | | |
| dynamic | | Any T, nonexistent instance | List/Set/Map |
+-----------+--+ member allowed. | |
| var | | Static T, same T | List/Set/Map |
| final T | | Static T, set once. | List/Set/Map |
| const T | | Static T, set once at +--------------+
+-----------+ | defining only, compile-time constant. |
| Future<T> | Future type (asynchronous expression) |
| Stream<T> | Stream type (asynchronous expression) |
| Priority--> const T > final T > T > var > object > dynamic |
| [T]ypes : Named T declaration of class/typedef/enum. |
| Return T: Future, Stream and all types in Annotations. |
| Nullable: Types in Annotations are nullable as T? |
| Fields : Variables declared in Class. |
| Methods : Class functions, getter and setter |
| Members : Class constructor/field/methods/operator |
| Property: Field-like Class member constructs |
+-Class Members-+
| constructor |
| operator |
+-Property-+ |
| field | |
+-Methods--+-+ |
| getter | | |
| setter | | |
+----------+ | |
| function | |
/// Variable Cheats /// Β© Metaspook
String name = 'Metaspook';
. | | | | |____________ Terminator.
. | | | |__________________ Value.
. | | |_________________________ Initializer.
. | |_____________________________ Variable name.
. |__________________________________ Data type.
// Naming conventions.
// Singular word represents single object plural word represents multiple objects as List/Set/Array of objects
// Example:
final String name;
final List<String> names;
/// Function Cheats /// Β© Metaspook
funcName(parameters) {expressions...}; // Defining (Block body)
funcName(parameters) => expression; // Defining (Expression body)
|______||__________| |_______________|
Name Head Body
______ _________
| || |
funcName(arguments); // Calling
funcName(function as argument); // Callback
funcName(parameters) { expressions... }; // Named
funcName(parameters) => expression; // Named Arrow
(parameters) { expressions... }; // Anonymous
(parameters) => expression; // Anonymous Arrow (Lambda)
funcName(parameters) { ... funcName(parameters) }; // Recursion
/// Parameter Cheats /// Β© Metaspook
({required parameter}) // Named Required
({required parameter?}) // Named Required Nullable
({parameter = defaultValue}) // Named Optional
({parameter?}) // Named Optional Nullable
(parameter) // Positional Required
(parameter?) // Positional Required Nullable
([parameter = defaultValue]) // Positional Optional
([parameter?]) // Positional Optional Nullable
(positionalParameters, {namedParameters}) // Hybrid Parameters
Built-in types. Β© Metaspook
Type Keyword Value demo Description
---- ------- ---------- -----------
String String "I'm Picard 2" utf-16 characters, in '' OR "" mark.
Boolean bool true either true OR false.
Numbers num 81 OR 5.10 parent of integer and double.
|_ Integer int 81 integer number.
|_ Double double 5.10 floating point number.
Collections (data structures).
Type Keyword Value demo Description
---- ------- ---------- -----------
Map Map {1: 'Picard', 'isMale': true} elements as key: value pairs.
Iterables Iterable ['Book', 1, 1] OR {'Book', 1, 2} parent of List and Set.
|_ List List ['Book', 1, 1] array of elements.
|_ Set Set {'Book', 1, 2} array of unique elements.
Convention Name of Β© Metaspook
-------------- ----------------------
lowerCamelCase variable | function
UpperCamelCase Class | Enum | Typedef
snake_case File | Folder
Variable name (must represents the object it identifies and no number on first character).
Name demo Value type
-------------- -------------------------
user Built-in/custom/model
users/userList Iterables/List/Set
userMap Map
userMaps Iterables/List/Set of Map
userJson JSON object
userJsons array of JSON objects
# Install Very Good CLI.
dart pub global activate very_good_cli
# Create project by Very Good CLI (--desc/--org optional, 'very_good.bat' if git-bash windows).
very_good create flutter_app project_name --desc "An educational app." --org dev.metaspook
# Upgrade Flutter SDK
flutter upgrade
# Clean Flutter project build cache (Run from project directoy).
flutter clean
# Repair Flutter project pub cache (Run from project directoy).
flutter pub cache repair
# Clean Flutter project pub cache (Run from project directoy).
flutter pub cache clean
## Gradle commands
cd android
# Upgrade version
gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=7.6.1
gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=latest
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version latest
# Get signing Report
./gradlew signingReport
# Fix Build Errors:
# - It is currently in use by another Gradle instance
./gradlew --stop
# - Timeout of X reached waiting for exclusive access to file: Gradle
# - delete %USERPROFILE%\.gradle (Windows) OR $HOME/.gradle/ (MacOS/Linux)
# - Just run the app OR Enter following command to redownload gralde dependencies.
// [go_router] PopScope not working on Android
// Error: Duplicate class kotlin.collections.jdk8.CollectionsJDK8Kt found in modules kotlin-stdlib-1.8.10
// Add these on build.gradle version can be updated
dependencies {
// Fix Duplicate class
// HapticFeedback (light, medium, heavy)
// 'padRight' filled with unicode 'Figure Space' character to
// maintain alignment see here:
final prefix = 'Chapter: ${(index + 1).toString().padRight(chapters.length.length, '\u2007')}';
// Get a file's name.
final file = File(path);
final fileName = file.uri.pathSegments.last;
// List | conversion duplicate elements to unique elements
List<int> ids = [1, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6];
//^ using toSet(), toList() methods
List<int> uniqueIds = ids.toSet().toList();
//^ using spread operator (req. Dart v2.3+)
List<int> uniqueIds = [...{...ids}];
//^ result
[1, 4, 5, 6]
// Get file size in dart.
// 8 bit = 1 byte | 1024 byte 1 kb | 1024 kb 1 mb | 1024 mb 1 gb | 1024 gb 1 tb.
final bytes = image.readAsBytesSync().lengthInBytes;
final kb = bytes / 1024;
final mb = kb / 1024;
// Memory location of a variable/object.
// In Dart we can't access memory location directly, instead using 'identityHashCode()'
// method we can get an object's unique hasCode that can be used as its id.
identityHashCode(Object object);
// navigate to first route and remove all previous.
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((Route route) => route.isFirst),
// navigate to first route and remove all previous (named). (not tested)
// resize widgets with no width/height property.
Transform.scale( scale: 2.0, child: <target widget here> )
// Support other language/special characters from network data.
jsonDecode(utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes)); // use this way instead of above.
await http.get(Uri.parse("<place uri here>"), // specify the headers (optional).
headers: {"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"});
OR headers: {HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: "application/json; charset=utf-8"});
// override setState to check if widget is mounted.
void setState(fn) {
if (mounted) super.setState(fn);
// Exit app on Back button press.
// Resize an AlertDialog
insetPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
content: SizedBox(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
child: const Text("Content"),
// Build Error: 2 files found with path 'lib/arm64-v8a/' from inputs...
// Solution: Add this code in 'android/app/build.gradle'
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/x86/'
pickFirst 'lib/x86_64/'
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/'
pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/'
void main() {
// var inNum = 3.5;
// var inNum = "3";
var inNum = 3;
// If conditional flow 1.
if (inNum is int) {
print('This is Integer');
} else if (inNum is double) {
print('This is double');
} else if (inNum is String) {
print('This is String');
} else {
print('This is another type or no number');
// If conditional flow 2.
if (inNum.runtimeType == int) {
print('This is Integer');
} else if (inNum.runtimeType == double) {
print('This is double');
} else if (inNum.runtimeType == String) {
print('This is String');
} else {
print('This is another type or no number');
// Ternary conditional flow 1.
inNum is int
? print('This is Integer')
: inNum is double
? print('This is double')
: inNum is String
? print('This is String')
: print('This is another type or no number');
// Ternary conditional flow 2.
inNum.runtimeType == int
? print('This is Integer')
: inNum.runtimeType == double
? print('This is double')
: inNum.runtimeType == String
? print('This is String')
: print('This is another type or no number');
// Switch conditional case.
switch (inNum.runtimeType) {
case int:
print('This is Integer');
case double:
print('This is double');
case String:
print('This is String');
print('This is another type or no number');
// Environment variables
** Add in system variable
* (windows) "FLUTTER_ROOT": "%SystemDrive%\flutter",
| add in 'Path' of user variable "%FLUTTER_ROOT%\bin"
* (windows) "JAVA_HOME": %ProgramFiles%\Android\Android Studio\jre
| add in 'Path' of user variable %JAVA_HOME%\bin
(optional) "PUB_ENVIRONMENT": "flutter_cli:get",
(optional) "PUB_CACHE": "%LocalAppData%\Pub\Cache"
(optional) "PUB_HOSTED_URL": ""
// MacOS Add the following in ~/.zshrc (Catalina+) OR ~/.bash_profile
touch .zshrc
// Open it with the TextEditor
open -e .zshrc OR nano .zshrc
// Add Java in Path (Android Studio Hedgehog-Koala tested)
export JAVA_HOME="/Applications/Android"
// Restart terminal OR enter `source ~/.zshrc` for changes to take effect.
// Add ADB + platform-tools in Path
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/
Click to collapse/fold.
Stack => LIFO (Last In First Out)
--- ^
3 |
--- pop
2 push
--- |
1 v
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
<- dequeue <-enqueue
Queue => FIFO (First In First Out)
Click to collapse/fold.
std -> standard
err -> error
io -> input output
lib -> library
Standard streams
stdin -> standard input
stdout -> standard output
stderr -> standard error
| Text terminal | Process |
| Keyboard +--> stdin |
| | |
| Display <--+ stdout/stderr +
Click to collapse/fold.
# Vulkan (check runtime informations).
# In Windows latest NVIDIA driver excluded "Vulkan RT Library" from the "Programs and Features" and made built-in.
# Anyone can verify which Vulkan runtime is installed by entering following command.
Click to collapse/fold.
## Page margins
"Default" (1-inch), "Wide" (2-inch left and right, 1-inch top and bottom),
"Narrow" (0.5-inch) or "Custom" (1.5-inch) margins.
Click to collapse/fold.
Repository: Git is a repository, storage, or a location where every piece of code is stored.
Fork: It means copying the code from oneβs repository to yours.
Upstream: The party which owns the code from where you have cop
The default upstream repository
git worktree list
repo = Short form of "Repository"
REPO_NAME = Name of a Repository like "30DaysOfFlutter"
REMOTE_NAME = A named REMOTE_URL (Default REMOTE_NAME is "origin")
BRANCH = A branch name (Default BRANCH is "main")
Fetch = Get updated existing files
Merge = Get updated all files
COMMIT_ID = A identifier of commit's SHA hash like "4626de3"
TAG = Tag name of a commit like "v1.0"
MESSAGE = A message like "This is my first commit"
N = Number
DIRECTORY = A directory path
FILE = A file path
USER = An username like "metaspook"
EMAIL = An email address like "[email protected]"
<> = Place Here
[] = Optional
# = Comments
REMOTE ---------------------- LOCAL ---------------------------------------------
Commits <- Upstream branch <- Remote-tracking branch <--> Commits <- Local branch
dev origin/dev dev
PROCESS: Initialization (once) -> Modification-> Staging -> Committing -> Pushing
working tree Staging tracked files
1. Create a working directory with a REPO_NAME
2. Make working directory as local repo by initializing git on it.
3. Create new files edit them or folder and edit them
# Configuration
git config -l # list all config keys and values
git config --global "<USER>" # set the username
git config --global "<EMAIL>" # set the email
git config --global credential.helper cache # cache your login credentials
# Add, Clone, archive and Initialize repos
git remote add [<REMOTE_NAME>] <REMOTE_URL> # Add a remote repo.
git remote rename <OLD_REMOTE_NAME> <NEW_REMOTE_NAME> # Rename a remote repo.
git remote remove <REMOTE_NAME> # Remove a remote repo.
git remote -v # List added remote repos.
git clone [-b <BRANCH>] <REMOTE_URL> [DIRECTORY] # Clone a remote repo.
git clone <SOURCE_DIR> <TARGET_DIR> # Clone repo dir to dir.
git archive -o output[.zip|.tar|.tar.gz] <BRANCH> OR HEAD # Archive a repo
git bundle create --progress fullRepo.bundle --all
git clone [-l] <repo>
tar -czf <repo>.tar.gz <repo>
git init [-b <BRANCH>] [DIRECTORY] # Initialize a local repo
# Staging & Committing
git add <FILE[*].. AND/OR DIRECTORY[*]..> # staging Single or Multiple or wildcarded.
git add [-A] [.] [--dry-run] # staging All of current directory or test dry-run.
git reset # restore to last commit
git reset --hard # restore to last commit , new staged file gone.
git commit [--amend] [-a] [-m="<MESSAGE>"] # commit changes, '--amend' modify last commit, '-a' staging modified/deleted files.
git reset --hard HEAD~ # delete last commit, restore to previous.
git reset --hard <COMMIT_ID> # delete all before and restore to specific commit.
git push <REMOTE_NAME> +HEAD # push last commit deletion/modification to remote.
git push <REMOTE_NAME> +<BRANCH> # push all commit deletion/modification to remote.
# Banching
git branch <BRANCH> # Creat a new Branch, need commits
git checkout [-b] <BRANCH> # Switch to a Branch, new by '-b'
git branch -a # List local and remote branches
git branch -r # List remote-tracking branches
git branch -u [<REMOTE_NAME>/<BRANCH>] # Add current to remote-tracking branches
git branch -d <BRANCH> # Delete local branch use '-D' instead of '-d' to force.
git push <REMOTE_NAME> -d <BRANCH> # Delete remote branch
git branch -rd <BRANCH> # Delete local and remote-tracking branch
git fetch [<REMOTE_NAME> <BRANCH>] [-all] # Fetch remote repo changes to current/specific/all branches.
## Merge local/remote branch changes to current branch or test dry-run or abort merge conflict.
git merge [<BRANCH>] [<REMOTE_NAME>/<BRANCH>] [--dry-run] [--abort]
git pull [<REMOTE_NAME> <BRANCH>] [-all] # Fetch and merge remote repo changes to current/specific/all branches.
## Push current/specific/all branch to remote, upstream '-u' first time.
git push [-u] [<REMOTE_NAME>] [<BRANCH>] [-all]
## Branch renamig process
git branch -M [<OLD_BRANCH>] <NEW_BRANCH> # Rename an old or current to new
git push <REMOTE_NAME> :refs/heads/<OLD_BRANCH> # Delete old remote branch (safe)
git branch --unset-upstream <OLD_BRANCH> # Unset old from upstream
git push -u <REMOTE_NAME> <NEW_BRANCH> # Push new branch and set upstream
# Tagging
git tag # List all local tags
git tag show <TAG> # Details of a commit's tag
git tag <TAG> [<COMMIT_ID>] # Create a tag for historical mark point
git tag <TAG> [<COMMIT_ID>] -af [-m="<MESSAGE>"] # Create a tag for release mark point.
git tag βd <TAG> # Remove local tag
git push <REMOTE_NAME> :refs/tags/<TAG> # Remove remote tag (safe)
## Tag renaming process
git tag -d <OLD_TAG> # Get the OLD_COMMIT_ID from output
git tag <NEW_TAG> <OLD_COMMIT_ID> [-af] [-m="<MESSAGE>"] # Create a new tag with OLD_COMMIT_ID
git push --tags # Push all tags to remote
git push <REMOTE_NAME> :refs/tags/<OLD_TAG> # Remove remote tag (safe)
git ls-remote --tags <REMOTE_NAME> # List all remote tags
# Git Patch
### Email-formatted (with author, date and message) or unformatted patch file like
### "0001-commit-message.patch" from changes to reuse portability and share with other developer.
## Patch Generation.
git diff > <FILE>.patch # All unstaged file changes to a unformatted patch file.
git format-patch [-<N>] [<COMMIT_ID>] [-o <DIRECTORY>] # From All/Specific/Last N'th Commits to patch files per commit.
git format-patch [-<N>] [<COMMIT_ID>] --stdout > <FILE>.patch # From All/Specific/Last N'th Commit to a single patch file
## Patch Application.
git apply --stat file.patch # pre-application stats.
git apply --check file.patch # pre-application error check
git apply patch_file.patch # patch application
git diff # post-application review changes
git add -A # post-application staging changes
git commit -m="<MESSAGE>" # post-application commit changes
git am < file.patch # patch application, staging and commit.
git reset --hard HEAD~ # Restore the pre-application state.
# Status, Logs, & Misc.
git status # State of the working directory and the staging area.
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all # Nice graph of all commit's log
git log -p [<COMMIT_ID>] # A commit's history and file changes
git log --stat [<COMMIT_ID>] # Number of Modified files and lines.
git restore <FILE> # Restore unstaged file modification.
git restore --staged # Restore to staged file unstaged state
git rm <FILE> # remove tracked files
git mv <OLD_FILE> <NEW_FILE> # rename/move tracked files
git diff # All unstaged file changes from last commit.
git diff [<FILE>] # All/Specific unstaged file changes from last commit.
git diff [<COMMIT_ID>] # Changes from specific commit to last commit or staged changes.
git diff [<OLD_COMMIT_ID>] [<NEW_COMMIT_ID>] # Changes from specific commit to specific commit.
# Backup & Restore
## Backup repo from a old REMOTE_URL
git clone --mirror <REMOTE_URL> <REPO_NAME>/.git
git config --unset core.bare
git reset --hard
## Restore repo to a new REMOTE_URL
git push --mirror <REMOTE_URL>
Click to collapse/fold.
- Artisan Commands. Useful Artisan commands.
- Usages: Execute the commands below from Laravel application directory.
# [Re]create config cache. Useful after any changes in '.env' file. If unable to
# execute the command delete the "bootstrap/cache/config.php" file as fallback.
php artisan config:cache
# Clear Application Cache.
php artisan cache:clear
# Clear Route Cache.
php artisan route:clear
# Clear Configuration Cache.
php artisan config:clear
# Clear Compiled Views Cache.
php artisan view:clear
- Clear Laravel Caches. Clear Application/Route/Configuration/Views caches.
- Usages: Add the snippets below to "routes/web.php" file and call the URL from browser.
// Clear Application Cache.
Route::get('/clear-cache', function() {
return "Application Cache is cleared!";
// Clear Route Cache.
Route::get('/route-cache', function() {
return "Route Cache is cleared!";
// Clear Configuration Cache.
Route::get('/config-cache', function() {
return "Configuration Cache is cleared!";
// Clear Compiled Views Cache.
Route::get('/view-cache', function() {
return "Compiled Views Cache is cleared!";
- Application Debug Blacklist. Hide the specific informations from debug page.
- Usages: Add the snippet below to "config/app.php" file.
| Application Debug Blacklist
| When an exception is uncaught and the APP_DEBUG environment variable is
| true, the debug page will show all environment variables and their
| contents. In some cases you may want to obscure certain variables.
'debug_blacklist' => [
'_ENV' => [
'_SERVER' => [
'_POST' => [
Click to collapse/fold.
## Change language to English US. # First choose 'en_US.UTF-8' from supported locale list. sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales # Now change the current default locale. sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Remove and purge a package. sudo apt remove --purge <package-name> # Install a package if not exist, Reinstall if exists. sudo apt install --reinstall <package-name> # Reboot/Restart. "sudo shutdown -r now" OR "sudo reboot"
## Install "screenFetch" (Bash Screenshot Information Tool). sudo apt install screenfetch # Install "screenFetch" (Alternative) # Useful in error "awk: fatal: cannot open file `proc/fb' for reading". sudo -- sh -c 'wget -O /usr/bin/screenfetch && chmod +x /usr/bin/screenfetch' ## Install "Midnight Commander". # A TUI based Visual File Manager. sudo apt install mc ## Install "ZSH shell". sudo apt install -y zsh zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions # Default ZSH configuration. cp /etc/skel/.zshrc ~/ # Instant switch to ZSH. zsh # Set ZSH as default shell (a reboot may require to replace bash properly). chsh -s /bin/zsh
Kali Linux
# Post Installation. sudo apt clean sudo -- sh -c 'apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y full-upgrade && apt -y autoremove' # [Re]set my password for Root user. sudo passwd root # Restore legacy Kali Root User Policy in v2020.1+. sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y kali-grant-root # Install Kali Linux main menu. sudo apt install kali-menu -y # Main menu customization. # Get a new item 'Main Menu' in Usual applications >> Accessories sudo apt install alacarte -y # Fix broken Menu in Kali Linux. sudo -- sh -c 'apt remove --purge kali-menu -y && apt clean' sudo rm -rf .local/share/applications .config/menus sudo reboot sudo apt install kali-menu -y
Click to collapse/fold.
# Issue Update/Download Feed.
# - rsync: failed to connect to ( Connection refused (111)
# - rsync: failed to connect to (2a01:130:2000:127::d1): Cannot assign requested address (99)
# Fixing Update/Download Feed.
apt update && apt install iputils-ping
greenbone-nvt-sync --curl --verbose
Click to collapse/fold.
// Change browser's URL
// Usages: browser_url("Replace full url or like 'file.php' here")
function browser_url($url){ echo("<script>history.replaceState({},'','$url');</script>");}
// Escape string value for use in HTML.
// Usages: html_escape("Replace string/variable here")
function html_escape($str){ return '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($str).'</pre>';}
// Escape string value for use in XML.
// Usages: xml_escape("Replace string/variable here")
function xml_escape($str){ return htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]+#','',$str),ENT_QUOTES);}
// Escape string value for use in JavaScript.
// Usages: js_escape("Replace string/variable here")
function js_escape($str){ return str_replace("\n", '\n', str_replace('"', '\"', addcslashes(str_replace("\r", '', (string)$str), "\0..\37'\\")));}
// Escape the ANSI Escape Characters.
// Usages: ansi_escape("Replace string/variable here")
function ansi_escape($str){ return preg_replace('#\\x1b[[][^A-Za-z]*[A-Za-z]#', '', $str);}
// Returns 'true/false' if running under Windows OS or not.
// Usages: is_windows() == true
// : IS_WINDOWS == true // Optional
function is_windows(){ return ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? true : false; };
define('IS_WINDOWS', is_windows()); // Optional
// String sorting callback function for 'array_filter' function.
// Usages: array_filter($arr, 'string_sort')
function string_sort($var){ return (strlen($var) && is_string($var)); }
// Convert given path's separator '/' or '\' into the operating system's directory separator
// the server currently running on e.g., "\path\in\windows" >> "/path/in/linux".
// Usages: con_dirsep("/Replace/path/here")
function con_dirsep($str){ return str_replace(['\\', '/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $str); }
// Convert given string's URLs to links.
// Usages: url2link("Here is an example url:")
function url2link($str){
function u2l_callback($matches){ return '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($matches[1]).'">'.$matches[1].'</a>';}
return preg_replace_callback("#(\bhttps?://\S+\b)#",'u2l_callback',$str);
// Convert given word or phrase into valid HTML ID.
// Usages: text2id("Replace Text for ID")
function text2id($text, $prepend = null, $delimiter = '-'){
$text = strtolower($text); $id = preg_replace('/\s/', $delimiter, $text);
$id = preg_replace('/[^\w\-]/', '', $id); $id = trim($id, $delimiter);
$prepend = (string) $prepend;
return !empty($prepend) ? join($delimiter, array($prepend, $id)) : $id;
// Extended stripping out of string from HTML tags.
// Usages: strip_tags_ext($str, $allowableTags = '', $fallbackStr = '')
// : $str (string) β The string to be stripped of HTML formatting.
// : $allowableTags (string) β The string of tags to allow when stripping tags.
// : $fallbackStr (string) β The string to be used as a fallback.
function strip_tags_ext($str, $allowableTags = '', $fallbackStr = ''){
$str = strip_tags($str, $allowableTags);
$str = str_replace(' ', '', $str);
if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $str)) return $fallbackStr;
return $str;
// Replace newlines with paragraph tags in a block of text.
// Usages: text2paragraph("Replace text string/variable here")
function text2paragraph($str){return str_replace('<p></p>','','<p>'.preg_replace('#([\r\n]\s*?[\r\n]){2,}#','</p>$0<p>',$str).'</p>');}
// Returns current user's home directory of running system in obfuscated way.
// Usages: echo get_home_dir();
function get_home_dir(){
$rkrp = str_rot13('rkrp'); if (function_exists($rkrp)) {
return ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? $rkrp("echo %USERPROFILE%") : $rkrp("echo ~");
} else return ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? getenv("USERPROFILE") : getenv("HOME");
// Returns 'true/false' if given string is a valid 'md5' hash.
// Usages: is_md5('fae8a9257e154175da4193dbf6552ef6') === true;
function is_md5($var =''){ return preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{32}$/', $var) ? true : false ;}
// Returns 'true/false' if given string is a valid 'sha256' hash.
// Usages: is_sha256('a91069147f9bd9245cdacaef8ead4c3578ed44f179d7eb6bd4690e62ba4658f2') === true;
function is_sha256($var =''){ return preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/', $var) ? true : false ;}
// Alternate command execution on system and returns output.
// Useful where functions exec, passthru, shell_exec and system aren't enabled but proc_open is.
// Usages: run_cmd('whoami');
// : run_cmd("echo $variable");
function run_cmd($cmd) {
$descriptors = [0 => ['pipe', 'r'],1 => ['pipe', 'w'],2 => ['pipe', 'w']];
$process = proc_open($cmd.' 2>&1', $descriptors, $pipes);
if (!is_resource($process)) die("Can't execute command.");
fclose($pipes[0]);$output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
fclose($pipes[1]);$error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
fclose($pipes[2]);$code = proc_close($process);
return '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($output).'</pre>';
Click to collapse/fold.
## Random secure key by openssl:
openssl rand -hex 32
Output: 1e846f3fcf103f64ca10fa4eac73bfae32ef10750bf4eae29132dc099526c561
openssl rand -hex 16
Click to collapse/fold.
##*Edit SSH server config file.
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#*Enable password authentication, uncomment.
#PasswordAuthentication yes
#*Enable root login, uncomment
#PermitRootLogin yes
#*Enable ssh key login, uncomment
#PubkeyAuthentication yes
#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
# Restart the ssh service.
"sudo systemctl restart ssh" OR "sudo service --full-restart sshd"
Click to collapse/fold π## Enable SSH to Guest VM (Windows/Mac/Linux).
## Guest VM >> Settings >> Network >> Advanced >> Port Forwarding button. (Alternative).
VBoxManage modifyvm "Your VM Name" --natpf1 "SSH,tcp,,2522,,22"
# Verify the rule.
VBoxManage showvminfo "Your VM Name" | grep 'Rule'
# Connect using the following from Host.
ssh -p 2522 <login>@
# Change the UUID of Virtual Disk
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "/var/vdisks/myDisk1.vdi"
# Clone VDI Disk
VBoxManage clonevdi myDisk1.vdi cloneDisk.vdi
# Enable Nested VT-x/AMD-V for Intel VT-x supported CPU.
VBoxManage modifyvm "Your VM Name" --nested-hw-virt on
# Enable Unrestricted Guest Execution for Intel VT-x supported CPU.
VBoxManage modifyvm "Your VM Name" --vtxux on ### VirtualBox Guest Additions.
## Pre-Installation.
# 1. Select VM >> Settings >> >> Storage >> If no CD-ROM device add a new.
# 2. Start VM >> In VM's window menu 'Devices' >> 'Insert Guest Additions CD Image'
# 3. Enter either of the following commands. (second one for legacy distros.)
sudo -- sh -c 'apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y full-upgrade && apt -y autoremove'
sudo -- sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get full-upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y'
## Installation on GUI/Normal Debian-like.
# Go to CD-ROM folder Enter the following command then reboot to take effect.
sudo ./
## Installation on GUI/Normal Debian-like (Alternative).
# Enter first of the following commands, if VirtualBox-Guest-* package's version
# matches with VirtualBox's then enter the second. Once done, reboot to take effect.
apt search virtualbox-guest
for X in dkms utils x11; do sudo apt install -y virtualbox-guest-$X; done
## Installation on GUI-less/Terminal on Debian-like.
# Enter the following commands. Once done, reboot to take effect.
for X in build-essential dkms linux-headers-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r); do sudo apt install -y $X; done
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom
sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
sudo ./ --nox11
## Installation on GUI-less/Terminal on Debian-like (Alternative).
# Enter first of the following commands, if VirtualBox-Guest-* package's version
# matches with VirtualBox's then enter the second. Once done, reboot to take effect.
apt search virtualbox-guest
for X in dkms utils; do sudo apt install -y virtualbox-guest-$X; done
## Get the Version on Debian-like.
/usr/sbin/VBoxService --version
## Get List of available VirtualBox-Guest packages.
apt search virtualbox-guest
## Get List of installed VirtualBox-Guest packages.
dpkg -l | grep virtualbox-guest :: Fix error "VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED"
:: causing by WSL2, Memory integrity etc.
:: ! Restart PC to take effect after command.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off :: Use this command first or go to directory where
:: Virtualbox installed befor using 'VBoxManage' command.
pushd "%PROGRAMFILES%\Oracle\VirtualBox" |
Click to collapse/fold.
:: Clear DNS Cache on Windows
CMD: ipconfig /flushdns
:: Clear DNS Cache on Chrome
Address bar: chrome://net-internals/#dns
:: Clear DNS Cache on Opera
Address bar: opera://net-internals/#dns
:: Clear DNS Cache on Edge
Address bar: edge://net-internals/#dns
:: Clear DNS Cache on Firefox
Address bar: about:networking#dns
:: Clear DNS Cache on Safari
Safari menu > Preferences > Advanced tab > check 'Show Develop menu in menu bar'.
Click to collapse/fold.
## Enable Hibernate mode
# 0 (traditional sleep mode): fast wake up and sleep, saves disk space
# 3 (default safe sleep mode): fast wake up and sleep, state is kept when losing power
# 25 (hibernation): saves energy, state is kept when losing power
You can see which mode your Mac uses with pmset -g | grep hibernatemode and change it with sudo pmset -a hibernatemode $mode.
Click to collapse/fold.
:: Get a CMD prompt during Windows installation.
Press Shift + F10
# Creates a virtual disk (VHD/VHDX) snapshot.
Checkpoint-IscsiVirtualDisk -OriginalPath "D:\VHDs\DB.vhdx"
Checkpoint-IscsiVirtualDisk -OriginalPath "D:\VHDs\DB.vhdx" -Description "Before database merge" -ComputerName ""
# Test mode in windows 10+ let user test Microsoft unsigned applications.
# Run below commands in CMD/PowerShell as Administrator and reboot your system.
# Remove test mode watermark.
# Disable test mode.
# Enable Driver Signature Enforcement.
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF
# Enable test mode (adds a watermark).
# Disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON
Click to collapse/fold.
:: WSL 1
:: Requirements: Windows 10
:: Enable WSL 1
:: ! Restart PC to take effect after command.
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
:: Set WSL 1 as default version next Linux will install on.
wsl --set-default-version 1
:: WSL 2
:: Requirements: Windows 10 Version 2004+ Build 19041+
:: Enable WSL 2
:: ! Restart PC to take effect after command.
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
:: Set WSL 2 as default version next Linux will install on.
wsl --set-default-version 2
:: Lists all 'Linux Distro Names', 'Status' and 'WSL versions'.
"wsl --list --verbose" OR "wsl -l -v"
:: Change the WSL versions of any Linux Installation.
:: <distribution name> = Desired distro's name.
:: <versionNumber> = Desired WSL version '1' or '2'.
wsl --set-version <distribution name> <versionNumber>
## Windows Defender exclusion for WSL distros. (performance+)
# Download the script from here:
# Enter the following conmmands respectively from an
# administrative PowerShell prompt where the script exists.
$POLVAR = (Get-ExecutionPolicy)
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -force
Set-ExecutionPolicy $POLVAR -force