This is a monorepo for a sample SignalR implementation built on Azure Serverless SignalR.
There are four components to the implementation.
The Client folder contains a minimal React application used to demonstrate and test the interaction with the SignalR service.
The IaC folder contains the Terraform code that is required to provision necessary Azure resources.
The Service folder contains the Azure Function application that servers as the SignalR service.
The Api folder contains a minimal C# application that serves as an Api application that connects the SignalR service and broadcasts messages to SignalR clients.
The IaC and Client code is built to be used inside of Visual Studio Code Dev Containers. You don't have to use the dev containers, but the containers contain all the necessary tooling at the specific versions required for each project (e.g., Terraform for IaC, React for Client). Using dev containers negates the need to install all the tooling locally and manage versions.