Requirements • Installation • Usage • Tool options • License
DNSBrute is a powerful Bash script to brute force DNS and obtain hidden subdomains of a target.
- Subfinder
- Shuffledns + MassDNS
- DNSGen
- Anew
git clone
cd dnsbrute
chmod +x dnsbrute
sudo mv dnsbrute /usr/local/bin
dnsbrute -h
./dnsbrute -d domain.tld -w wordlist -r ~/.resolvers
: Target domain.tld-w
: Specify a wordlist-l
: Specify a wordlist as DNSGen wordlist-c
: If you have done subdomain enumeration, please enter your subdomains (if you enter subdomains, the script will not do subdomain enumeration)-i
: Adding non-resolved subdomains along with resolved subdomains as input to DNSGen-r
: Specify a list of resolvers-m
: Path to the massdns binary-s
: To run the script in silent mode-o
: To write output to a file instead of the terminal-h
: To show help message
- If you have a list of subdomains, you can give your subdomains file to the tool with
. - If your target has a small scope, I recommend to use
so that after the initial name resolution by ShuffleDNS, the unresolved subdomains are also given as input to DNSGen. - If you do not give a subdomain file to the tool, the tool will subdomain enumeration automatically.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.