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Robust to Early Termination Model Predictive Control Toolbox (REAP-T)

🛠️ Getting Started:

  1. Extract the YALMIP zip file to the location of the REAP-T file.
  2. Run the DisREAP_UI function in MATLAB.

🚀 Usage:

  1. Import your system and desired configurations:
    • After running DisREAP_UI, import your system model and specify your desired configurations, enable plots, and simulate the system to observe results.
  2. Execute the package to start the control process.

📋 Input Fields Explained

System Matrices

  1. Matrix A
    Represents the state-transition matrix of the system.
    A = [0 1; -2 -3]

  2. Matrix B
    Input matrix defining how the control inputs affect the system.
    Example: B = [0; 1]

  3. Matrix C
    Output matrix, mapping the state to system outputs.
    C = [1 0]

  4. Matrix D
    Feedthrough matrix, directly connecting input to output.
    Example: D = 0


  1. X Constraint U.B. (Upper Bound)
    Upper bounds for the system state vector (x).
    Example: [5; 5]

  2. X Constraint L.B. (Lower Bound)
    Lower bounds for the system state vector (x).
    Example: [-5; -5]

  3. U Constraint U.B. (Upper Bound)
    Upper bounds for the control input vector (u).
    Example: [1]

  4. U Constraint L.B. (Lower Bound)
    Lower bounds for the control input vector (u).
    Example: [-1]

Cost Function Weights

  1. Matrix Qx
    Weighting matrix for penalizing state deviations in the cost function.
    Qx = [1 0; 0 1]

  2. Matrix Qu
    Weighting matrix for penalizing control efforts in the cost function.
    Qu = [0.01]

  3. Initial Condition ((x_0))
    Initial state of the system.
    Example: [0; 0]

Simulation Parameters

  1. Prediction Horizon
    The number of future steps the controller optimizes for.
    Example: 10

  2. Desired Target
    Desired value for the reference trajectory or desired steady-state configuration (Equilibrium point)

  3. # Time Instants
    Total number of time steps for the simulation.
    Example: 100

  4. Sampling Period ((\Delta T))
    Time interval between successive steps.
    Example: 0.2

  5. Terminal Constraint The mode of the terminal constraints; could be prediction-based or Lyapunov-based.


  1. Select Plots
    Choose which aspects of the system to visualize:
  • States: Display state trajectories.
  • Control Inputs: Show control signals over time.
  • Output: Visualize system output.
  • Sigma: Plot algorithm-specific sigma values.

Algorithm Mode

  1. Algorithm Mode Dropdown
  • Automatic: Let the system decide optimal parameters (disables Omegastar input).
  • Manual: Allows customization of the Omegastar parameter.

This interface makes it easier to define and simulate discrete-time systems with constraints and optimization. Start exploring your systems now! 🚀

📚 Examples:

For guidance, the package includes two examples:

  1. Parrot Bebop 2 Drone:
    • This example demonstrates the implementation of DisREAP on a Parrot Bebop 2 drone.
  2. F-16 Aircraft Model:
    • This example showcases DisREAP applied to a F-16 Aircraft Model.

▶️ Running Examples:

  1. Navigate to the examples directory:
    • Open the folder containing the examples within the extracted files.
  2. Run the example scripts:
    • Follow the instructions in the example scripts to see the results and understand how to set up and execute your own system.

🤝 Support:

For any issues or questions, please refer to the issues page on GitHub.

Citing DisREAP:

If you use the DisREAP Toolbox, please use the following BibTeX entry:

AUTHOR="{Mohsen Amiri and Mehdi Hosseinzadeh",
TITLE="REAP-T: A MATLAB Toolbox for Implementing Robust-to-Early Termination Model Predictive Control",
BOOKTITLE="..... ",



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