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[4] Updating VMM

James Kehr edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 6 revisions

After you've migrated an LBFO Team to a Switch Embedded Team (SET) with Convert-LBFO2SET, there is some additional work to perform for VMM to properly identify the new team as a logical switch.

The instructions below outline the steps.

Summary - VMM will see the Virtual Switch as an External switch after migrating from LBFO to SET. The External Virtual Switch needs to be converted to a Logical Switch.

  1. Open VMM.
  2. Open the cluster properties and go to Virtual Switches.
  3. Select the converted switch, which should be marked as External. Refresh the cluster/host in VMM, or restart VMM, if the switch still appears as a Logical Switch.
  4. Click on the "Convert to Logical Switch..." button at the bottom Virtual Switch properties.


  1. VMM will show the switch as a Logical Switch if the conversion worked.
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