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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Jan 23:16
· 21 commits to refs/heads/main since this release

What's Changed

  • .sync/rust\_config/rustfmt.toml: Add struct and enum alignment @zurcher (#389)
    Change Details
      Add arguments to rustfmt for vertically aligning struct and enum members. Usage requires `+nightly`.

    Value of 8 matches 'align_var_struct_span' from uncrustify.cfg.

🚀 Features & ✨ Enhancements

  • Update Release Drafter for Dev Branches @makubacki (#387)
    Change Details
      Changes the way release drafter handles drafting releases on repos with release branches (which have dev branches now).

    Ultimately, a release is drafted for the dev branch and the release branch. The releases are differentiated by both their release title and tag.

    • Release Branch
      • Title: release-v<version>
      • Tag: v<version>
    • Dev Branch
      • Title: dev-v<version>
      • Tag: dev-v<version>

    Note that the tag for the release branch follows the same convention as existing release tags.

    The "release branch" release includes all pull requests made to the dev branch with the type:backport label since the last "dev branch" release. For this reason, the "dev branch" and "release branch" should be released at the same time. Then, this effectively results in the "release branch" having all relevant changes since the last release. The "dev branch" release will be based at the same point in history as the "release branch" release but include all changes not just those with the type:backport label.

    The "release branch" release for the current release branch should be marked as "latest". For example, if "release/202311" and "release/202405" exist, the "release/202405" "release branch" release would be marked as latest.

    The release-drafter/release-drafter action is still used.

Full Changelog: v12.3.0...v12.4.0