A sequence of questions for an AI algorithm to examine user behaviour on the enregy allocations.
The Official Web AI Internship Repository.
Under 2021 Copyright Laws & other.
Developer Instructions
- clone this repository, using
git clone <this_repo_git_url>
- inside the cloned & downloaded repository folder, run
npm install
- followed by
npm run dev
to deploy the development enviroment - then navigate to your browser and open
How it Works?
- ...
file insidesrc/utils/
folder, to adjust for the necessary variables, - ...
file insidesrc/store/
folder, to add/remove/modify the exisitng time-slots displayed,
Alternative Navbar Checkpoint Roadmap -> using simple images and the correct div allocations,
<!-- The Website Checkpoint Roadmap -->
<div id='checkpoint-container'>
<!-- choose-preferred-time-slot -->
<a rel=prefetch href="/choose-preferred-time-slots">
<img src="./assets/svg/checkpoint-active.svg" alt="choose-preferred-time-slots">
<!-- width='20' height="20" -->
<!-- <h5>Choose preferred time slots</h5> -->
<!-- dashed-next-checkpoint-line -->
<img src="./assets/svg/next-point-dash-line-top.svg" alt="next-line-dash-top">
<!-- choose-agent-type-checkpoint -->
<a rel=prefetch href="/">
<img src="./assets/svg/checkpoint-next.svg" alt="choose-preferred-time-slots">
<!-- <h5>Choose agent type</h5> -->
<!-- dashed-next-checkpoint-line -->
<img src="./assets/svg/next-point-dash-line-bottom.svg" alt="next-line-dash-top">
<!-- view-summary-checkpoint -->
<a rel=prefetch href="/">
<img src="./assets/svg/checkpoint-next.svg" alt="choose-preferred-time-slots">
<!-- <h5>View Summary</h5> -->
Other useful import values and CDN's: (used on the template.html - file);
<!-- Import Ionicon icons & Google Fonts our Bootstrap theme relies on -->
<!-- <link href="//code.ionicframework.com/ionicons/2.0.1/css/ionicons.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> -->
<!-- <link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web:700|Source+Serif+Pro:400,700|Merriweather+Sans:400,700|Source+Sans+Pro:400,300,600,700,300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> -->
<!-- Import the custom Bootstrap 4 theme from our hosted CDN -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="//demo.productionready.io/main.css"> -->