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This is the example project used for the Mike.Works Phoenix Fundamentals course.

Course outline and slides

Setting Up

  • First, you'll need to ensure you have Elixir installed on your computer. This workshop requires that you have version 1.4 installed, which requires Erlang v18.

  • Next, clone this project

git clone myphoenix
  • Then, go into the project and install dependencies
cd myphoenix
mix deps.get

Create and migrate your database

mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate

Install Node.js dependencies

npm install

Start Phoenix endpoint

mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Learn more about Phoenix


While the general license for this project is the BSD 3-clause, the exercises themselves are proprietary and are licensed on a per-individual basis, usually as a result of purchasing a ticket to a public workshop, or being a participant in a private training.

Here are some guidelines for things that are OK and NOT OK, based on our understanding of how these licenses work:


  • Using everything in this project other than the exercises (or accompanying tests) to build a project used for your own free or commercial training material
  • Copying code from build scripts, configuration files, tests and development harnesses that are not part of the exercises specifically, for your own projects
  • As an owner of an individual license, using code from tests, exercises, or exercise solutions for your own non-training-related project.

NOT OK (without express written consent)

  • Using this project, or any subset of exercises contained within this project to run your own workshops
  • Writing a book that uses the code for these exercises
  • Recording a screencast that contains one or more of this project's exercises


© 2018 Mike.Works, All Rights Reserved

This material may not be used for workshops, training, or any other form of instructing or teaching developers, without express written consent