Releases: ministryofjustice/hale
Hover underline for social widgets
Adds a missing colour to the CSS file - hover underline for social widgets. Using the link colour so no new colour setting needed.
Fixed the publish date control for documents
Fixed the publish date control for documents
Authorise iFrame block
Authorize iFrame block
Full-width/shaded headings
Added an option to move the heading to the very top of the page and give it a shade for CPTs
Bug Fix - Revision Date
Fixed revision date field showing in editor when not activated
Bug fixes
Bug fixes:
- Print-only copyright info displayed on screen. Code corrected.
- Colour check for users without permissions to access colour values was causing a fatal error. Check removed (😭).
Revision Date and CPT restricted blocks
Adds functionality so that the editors can display a manual revision date rather then the default updated date
When creating CPT you can now restrict the blocks that an editor can use in the content.
Printing styles and PHP errors
- Overrides the WordPress custom background and font colour settings, to always be black and white - with a coloured border replacing a coloured background.
- We retain the colour - unlike GDS who replace with black.
- However, greyscale colours are subtly changed to be printer friendly.
- Removed ugly grey bar from the foot of the footer.
PHP errors (bug fix)
Errors were being thrown when creating the table of contents. After reading up about the errors online, it seems that the answer is to ignore them. This PR suppresses the errors in this particular area of code, which seems to otherwise be working.
Printing styles and Crest fix
Printing styles
Headers and footers
- all navigation/search boxes are removed when printed
- all content in footer removed when printed, except copyright and OGL statements
- OGL, if present, has extra information copied from GOV.UK example
- new printer friendly-logo is now available to upload
- only available if existing header background is not already white
- if not selected, the old logo will use the header background colour but only for the logo
- header and footer backgrounds are always white when printed
Table fo contents
- Moves the table of contents over to a new page when printing
- Creates a copyright page if:
- There is the OGL declaration, or
- It is crown copyright
- Reduces the printed footer to a one-liner, like other government sites
- Removed all banners from printing
- Fixes a non-crown copyright footer bug where images are actual size in the footer (CSS max-height).
Crest fix
- The royal crest is now the correct colour on GDS styled sites
Corrected font size for table of contents
Font size now is 16