This short readme contains necessary information to run cp2k on Frontier. The latest version of CP2K (as of Feb. 10th 2025) was compiled with spack. The following dependencies are enabled
- omp
- libint
- fftw3
- fftw3_mkl
- libxc
- parallel
- scalapack
- cosma
- xsmm
- dbcsr_acc
- spglib
- mkl
- dftd4
- sirius
- libvori
- libbqb
- offload_hip
- spla_gemm_offloading
- libvdwxc
- hdf5
- libsmeagol
- ROCM 6.3.1
- spla
- From internal testing on AMD machines, we found that running cp2k with more than one MPI rank per GPU can lead to wrong results. AMD is suggesting that the issue is related to the HPE environment itself which is possible.
- The first cp2k spack installation referenced
has a bug that affects molecular dynamics. It is a memory leak in the grid backend that was introduced almost two years ago but never found until Ada reported a crash during MD simulations. This issue does NOT affect the results. All single points calculations are numerically correct. More importantly, the bug is fixed and a new version ofcp2k
is available on Frontier. The MD simulations were tested using the H2O benchmarks with a memory check tool to ensure that the problem was not present anymore.
was modified to reflect these changes.
The current recommended version of CP2K
is tagged /godu5pw
. Your script
should contain these lines (the comments can be removed) before calling cp2k.
source /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/
# The first version of CP2K is still available for reproducible reasions
# spack load /jpuppf6ks
spack load /godu5pw
CP2K should be available using the command line cp2k.psmp
The following script can be used as a starting point for batch jobs
#SBATCH -A chm202
#SBATCH -t 2:00:00
#SBATCH -n 32 # number of tasks (1 task per GPU * 8 * number of nodes)
#SBATCH -c 4 # OMP threads
source /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/
# this line is needed because I compiled cp2k withlink to this library but the default one is older.
# this is needed because libfabric default is version 1.15.
module load libfabric/1.22.0
# default: we load cp2k without dla-f for the time being until I figure out with dla-f team why one cp2k-dlaf test fails
spack load /godu5pw
# it is not needed in practice but I indicate it for reference
# two options either call ${CP2K_ROOT}/bin/cp2k.psmp or directly call cp2k.psmp
# the command line is !!!!! CP2K WITHOUT DLAF
srun --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=closest ${CP2K_ROOT}/bin/cp2k.psmp -i my_input.inp -o my_input.out
Of course the runtime parameters -N
, -t
, etc should be adapted to the specific simulation.
send me an email at [email protected]
directly if you have any problem. I will
try to reply as fast as I can.
The CP2K source code can be found in the following directory:
. CP2K can be compiled with the
following commands
# load CP2K and all its dependencies
spack load /godu5pw
spack load [email protected]
module load ninja
module unload cray-libsci
cd /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/codes/cp2k
mkdir build-test
cd build-test
ninja -j8
ninja install
then the PATH
variables should be set accordingly. 'myprettypath' is the installation directory.
The repository also contains the necessary files for configuring spack. The configuration is not perfect as it does not include yet GPU direct support for instance but it should be fixed in the near future. All configurations files can be found in the spack directory. Copy the packages.yaml
and config.yaml
to any desired location and then modify the script
accordingly. The file config.yaml
also need to be modified, this line in particular
# This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
# You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
root: /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/apps
It is also strongly advised to run the two following commands the first time spack is used
module load PrgEnv-gnu
This will ensure that gcc 13.3 is found. One may add an extra module load gcc-native/12.3
is another compiler is needed.
Compiling cp2k can achieved with the command line
spack install "cp2k@master%[email protected]+rocm+spla+spglib+libint+libxc+cosma+sirius+libvori+pw_gpu+dftd4+smeagol+openmp+hdf5 build_system=cmake smm=libxsmm ^[virtuals=blas,lapack,scalapack] intel-oneapi-mkl@2023+cluster+gfortran+shared threads=openmp ^[email protected] ^sirius@develop+rocm+scalapack+pugixml+fortran+openmp+vdwxc ^spla+rocm ^gsl+pic+shared ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^umpire%gcc ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^hdf5+fortran+shared+hl"
Removing the double quote will most likely result in strange error messages from spack. It is particularly true when zsh is used as shell. So it is advised to quote the spack specification string. running this command line will takes several minutes or few hours at worst.
spack find -l
should return all intalled packages. Running spack load cp2k
should make cp2k available.
Only if you absolutely want to test everything. In general nothing is merged in cp2k github repo if it breaks any of the regtests. I paid special attention to run them and if any member of the team wants to use an updated version; it is probably better I run all these steps for them. Every member also has the option to compile cp2k by hand but i would not recommend it as am initial step. I will provide as much help as I can with the build process.
#SBATCH -A chm202
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
source /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/
module load miniforge3
spack load /godu5pw
# set CP2K_DATA_DIR variable if you compile cp2k by hand. Do **not** set it when CP2K is compiled with spack
# export CP2K_DATA_DIR=${CP2K_ROOT}/data
# launch the dask scheduler
~/.local/23.11.0-0/bin/dask-scheduler --no-show --scheduler-file scheduler.json > dask-scheduler.out 2>&1 &
sleep 5
# launch the workers
for((i=0;i<16;i++)); do
~/.local/23.11.0-0/bin/dask-worker --nthreads 1 --nworkers 1 --scheduler-file scheduler.json > dask-worker$i.out 2>&1 &
sleep 5
# small trick to make mkl believe it runs with intel cpu
cat << EOF > ${CP2K_ROOT}/libfakeintel.c
int mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true() {
return 1;
gcc -shared -fPIC -o libfakeintel.c
# CP2K source code is available here
cd /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/codes/cp2k
# some tests are indicated as failed but they are not in practice. mpi io and cp2k do not seem to play nice some time
python3.10 ./ --input-dir /lustre/orion/chm202/proj-shared/codes/cp2k --executable "srun -u -N 1 -n 2 -c 4 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=closest cp2k.psmp \$input_file" --scheduler-file scheduler.json
and the