This repository contains the source code and the technical documentation of the website
Design, context and contribution information of the project OpenMinVWS can be found here).
Note: The published version does not include the Rijksoverheid theme used on OpenMinVWS. The site look and feel is very minimal out of the box.
For technical info, see the Technical documentation.
The Woo platform is based on the Symfony framework and uses Elasticsearch as search engine.
- For installing, see the Developer Installation documentation
- For updating or local setup troubleshooting, see the Update documentation
- For Elasticsearch, see the Elasticsearch documentation.
- For platform console commands, see the Commands documentation.
For Roles and permissions see the Access roles documentation.
For Doctrine entities, see the Doctrine documentation.
For terminology, see the Terminology documentation.
The source code of this Woo-platform is released under the EUPL license. The documentation is released under the CC0 license. The EUPL 1.2 and the CC0 do not apply to photos, videos, infographics, fonts or other forms of media. Specifically the rijkslogo and rijkshuisstijl have specific terms of use.
Please see the .reuse/dep5 file for more details, which follows the Reuse specfication.