This repository contains code and associated files for deploying a plagiarism detector using AWS SageMaker. This project was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree.
In this project a plagiarism detector is built that examines a text file and performs binary classification; labeling that file as either plagiarised or not, depending on how similar that text file is to a provided source text.
This project is broken down into three main notebooks:
Notebook 1: Data Exploration
- Load in the corpus of plagiarism text data.
- Exploration of the existing data features and the data distribution.
Notebook 2: Feature Engineering
- Clean and pre-process the text data.
- Define features for comparing the similarity of an answer text and a source text, and extract similarity features.
- Feature selection, by analyzing the correlations between different features.
- Create train/test
files that hold the relevant features and class labels for train/test data points.
Notebook 3: Train and deploy a neural network in SageMaker
- Upload train/test feature data to S3.
- Define a binary classification PyTorch model and a training script.
- Train the PyTorch model and deploy it using SageMaker.
- Evaluate the deployed classifier.