This TYPO3 extension is an example for writing unit and functional tests for extbase/fluid-based extensions for TYPO3 CMS using PHPUnit.
It also is an example for best practices for extbase/fluid.
For information on the different ways to execute the tests, please have a look at the handout to my workshops on test-driven development (TDD).
.Build/bin/phpunit -c .Build/vendor/nimut/testing-framework/res/Configuration/UnitTests.xml Tests/Unit/
composer require typo3/cms ^8.7
composer install
git checkout HEAD -- composer.json
File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Test Frameworks
- (*) Use Composer autoloader
- Path to script: select
in your project folder
In the Run configurations, edit the PHPUnit configuration and use these settings so this configuration can serve as a template:
- Directory: use the
directory in your project - Use alternative configuration file
- use
in your project folder - Add the following environment variables:
- typo3DatabaseUsername
- typo3DatabasePassword
- typo3DatabaseHost
- typo3DatabaseName
In the Run configurations, copy the PHPUnit configuration and use these settings:
- Directory: use the
directory in your project
In the Run configurations, copy the PHPUnit configuration and use these settings:
- Directory: use the
directory in your project - Use alternative configuration file
- use
- make sure you have Chrome installed on your machine
composer update codeception/codeception
(just in case)- download the latest version of ChromeDriver
- unzip it
chromedriver --url-base=wd/hub
.Build/vendor/bin/codecept run
(in another terminal)
- make sure the "Codeception Framework" plugin is activated
- right-click on
- Run 'Acceptance (Codeception)'
For creating new extensions, I recommend taking Helmut Hummel's extension skeleton as a starting point.
I am the maintainer of the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension, which is available in the TYPO3 extension repository (TER).
You can book me for workshops at your company.
I also frequently give workshops at the TYPO3 Developer Days.
- Handout to my workshops on test-driven development (TDD)
- Handout for best practices with extbase and fluid
- Selenium demo for using Selenium with PHPUnit
- Anagram finder is the finished result of a code kata for TDD
- Coffee example is my starting point for demonstrating TDD with TYPO3 CMS
- TDD Seed for starting PHPUnit projects with Composer (without TYPO3 CMS)