The Goal of this Project is to use session-level data to predict user-level e-commerce revenue for Google GStore.
- Extremly Imbalanced Data: Almost 99% V.S. 1%
- 98.7% of sessions did not make a transaction
- 98.6% of users did not make a transaction
Lack of continuous variables
Most data in web traffic is catagorical data. Catagorical data like device information, geographic location, time, redirect information, etc is hard to be put in our model directly. -
User-level data
The data we have is in session-level. Should we use session-level data on our model directly or aggregateit to user-level first?
- Transcation Level: Create Dummy variables for categorical Data
- User level: Aggregate variables to continous variables through calculating mean/frequency/rate
The Best Stacking Estimator we created works like this:
- Three Modeling Approach
- Regreesion Only: Linear Regreesion/ Lasso/ RandomForestRegressor
- Stacking: Classification + Regression
- Boosting: Light BGM
- The Best Model after Grid Search
- Light GBM in User-level with lowest RMSE around 1.63
- Stacking model using Bagging SVC and RandomForestRegressor in User-level with RMSE around 1.64
- RandomForestRegressor Only in User-level with RMSE around 1.70
- What we learn from this Project
- The model we have reduced the 39.4% mean squared error.
- Using User-level data can provide more information and performs better with our models.
- In our case, complicated models like Light GBM works better than regression only models.