Welcome to my repository, an archive of the projects I've done and am working on while at [42
I am proud to showcase my completed projects which allow me to see just how far I've come:
libft + Bonus: My first project for 42. A recreated standard C library with added utility functions to kickstart my projects.
ft_printf: A versatile and efficient re-implementation of
, supporting various specifiers for diverse output formatting needs. -
get_next_line: Tailor-made function to extract and return lines from given file descriptors, enhancing file parsing capabilities line by line.
Born2beRoot + Bonus: A deep dive into system administration, mandating the conception of a secure and well-structured server environment.
PushSwap + Bonus: The epitome of algorithmic refinement, revolving around a constrained set of operations to sort data in minimal possible moves - featuring the "Turk algorithm".
pipex + Bonus: This project revolves around UNIX concepts such as pipelines, process handling, and command executions. This project was tough but I imagine that it will have been worth the effort when I get to minishell.
so_long + Bonus: This project was fun as hell, didnt quite get to do all that I wanted but im quite happy with all ive achived.
Philosophers I have a couple grey hairs from this project but it was very interesting, im probably gonna add multithreading to so_long.
minishell My hair is now completely grey, this project took way too long, i cannot wait to start working on C++ 😭
NetPractice This was nice and easy 🙏 Just learning about how networks, subnets, masking, and routing. (tbf my cisco certificate probably helped a bumch lol)
cub3D + Partial Bonus Apart from the neverending stream of bug fixes, this was a super fun project, while I do not understand the math behind raycasting, I now understand the logic. I worked mainly on the parsing, it wasnt simple but it wasnt too hard either, in the end its 90% error handeling and making sure memory is freed correctly. But hey at the end of the day, was fun, we got a good score, and I'm satisfied.
Here you will find the project(s) that I am working on:
Here you will find any 42 related side projects I have made:
extended_ft: This repo is my effort to expand and improve upon the libft project to include extra useful functions and other completed projects.
piscine: This repo contains all the exercises and projects I did during my piscine at 42 Lausanne.
nvim config: This repo contains my fork of the 42-nvim project, customized to my needs with additional plugins added on top.
I am always open to discussions, queries, and collaborations. Feel free to connect:
- Email: [email protected]
- Linkedin: Hugo Libine
Your feedback and contributions to my projects are always appreciated!